Monday, November 2, 2020

Is The Universe About To Smack Us Like A Fly?

Some of you may have seen the following article linked at Instapundit this morning: "New evidence our neighborhood in space is stuffed with hydrogen" from  The key part of the article for our purposes is this (underline added):

Measurements from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft are revising our estimates of one key property of the interstellar medium: how thick it is. Findings published today in the Astrophysical Journal share new observations that the local interstellar medium contains approximately 40% more hydrogen atoms than some prior studies suggested. The results unify a number of otherwise disparate measurements and shed new light on our neighborhood in space.

    There are a couple ways to view this article. One is that the prior estimates were wrong, and so this is just another example of how astronomers and cosmologists have grossly underestimated the amount of normal matter in the universe (and more proof that "dark matter" doesn't exist). 

    Another interpretation, however, is that the prior estimates were correct, but we have recently entered or are entering an area of space where the density of the intersteller medium has increased. 

    There could be various explanations for this, including that the solar system is transitioning through the edge of an ancient nova shell. But Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers offers a more intriguing answer, particularly for those interested in End-Times prophecy. He has noted that based on the geological and climate data that our planet seems to suffer severe space weather or impact events on approximately 12,000 year cycles. That is, every 12,000 years or so, the Sun will undergo a period of super-flares and/or a micro-nova. An increasing number of repeating novas are being discovered, where a star will blow off material on periodic intervals, so it is not impossible that our star acts in the same manner over a longer time period. 

    Davidson's theory is that just as our Sun has waves of particles that propagate throughout the solar system, the same thing occurs on a galactic level, and that these waves propagate at a frequency of about 12,000 years. So, based on our planet's history, the last such occurrence of a micro-nova was 12,000 years ago, and that we should be heading into such a wave now. This is further supported, as he explains in the video below, by the fact that some of our nearby stars have become much more active recently. 

Check it out. He also has a much longer video explaining his theory.

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