Monday, February 10, 2025

Religious NGOs Wailing Over The Loss Of Taxdollars

With the sudden spotlight on how U.S. tax dollars have been spent to fund Leftist causes, erode our freedoms, and line the pockets of everyone involved, it is no surprise that we hear a wailing and gnashing of teeth over any threat to the federal gravy train.

    One that caught my attention is the complaint from the Catholic leadership over USAID funding cuts to Catholic Relief Services, "[o]ne of USAID's biggest non-governmental recipients of funding," as well as "[o]ther programs, including Caritas international programs at the diocesan and national levels." 

    Is this despair over babies in Africa or Latin American starving from lack of food or access to clean water? No.

    Rather, the complaint comes from Pope Francis' adviser on migration and development, Cardinal Michael Czerny, who heads organizations whose USAID funding has been terminated. The Daily Mail article explains:

    Inspired by the biblical call to 'welcome the stranger,' Pope Francis has made caring for migrants a priority of his pontificate, demanding that countries welcome, protect, promote and integrate those fleeing conflicts, poverty and climate disasters.

    The Pope has also said governments are expected to do so to the limits of their capacity.

    'And I don't think that is any country except perhaps Lebanon, and maybe one or two other exceptions who are really over the limit,' Czerny said.

    'So I think it's incumbent on us first of all as human beings, as citizens, as believers, and in our case, as Christians.'

    While the article focused on the Catholic NGOs, many other churches (including the church to which I belong) have made statements supportive of mass immigration and have provided assistance to immigrants whether here legally or not. I suspect that a lot of churches conceal their real activities from their members under the rubric of helping "refugees." A recent Time Magazine article observes that, according to a recent poll, "70% of evangelicals in the U.S. say they believe the U.S. has a moral responsibility to receive refugees." Which is why even those rushing our borders to exploit our welfare system are suddenly all shoehorned into one category of "refugee" or another.

    And that is the basic problem: Leftist causes being cloaked with religion in order to make them palatable to those that otherwise would reject them out of hand. Thus, we see churches and religiously affiliated NGOs working to destabilize and bankrupt our country because these religions have twisted and distorted Christ's exoneration to "love one's neighbor" into a demographic suicide pact. Christ talked about loving our neighbor, not inviting your neighbor to move into your house and dispossess your sons and rape your daughters. Not all strangers should be welcome, else the Angel of the Lord would not have killed the 185,000 Syrians visiting Jerusalem (see, 2 Kings 19:35, Isaiah 37:36-38, and 2 Chronicles 32:21). 

    In the video, below, Victor Davis Hansen warns that we should not be so complacent to believe that we and our progeny cannot become extinct just because we were victorious over our enemies in the past. The invasion we face may not look like the ordered ranks of the Wehrmacht we faced in Europe in WWII, or the seemingly relentless waves of Chinese we fought in the Korean War, but mass immigration is, nonetheless, a hostile invasion that could render us extinct. 

VIDEO: "Victor Davis Hanson on 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜"
Hillsdale College (6 min.)


  1. I find it odd that when you cut through all the rhetorical crap surrounding these "refugees", you discover that most of heads of NGOs and religious denominations don't even believe in Christ, yet they confidently tell us Christians that Christ requires us to take them into our communities, congregations, and homes.

    I find it disconcerting that the LDS leadership is in effect telling members to obey the law of the land unless they don't like the law. And, when it comes to immigration status, the official LDS church policy appears to be "don't ask don't tell."

  2. If state funds are used, it's no longer a ministry, it's organized theft.


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