Friday, February 14, 2025

Army Stealing Food Money

This is something you would expect from Soviet or third-world military. reports that "Over $151 Million Taken from Soldiers' Paychecks for Food Costs Spent Elsewhere by the Army." The article explains that the money being taken from "their Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) payments, roughly $460 per month that is automatically deducted from the paychecks of service members who live in barracks and is intended to help cover food costs. For junior enlisted troops who earn about $30,000 annually, the cost can be consequential." 

2024 financial records provided by the service from 11 of the Army's largest bases show that more than $151 million of $225 million collected from soldiers was not spent on food. Given that the Army operates 104 garrisons, the true amount of unspent funds is likely far higher.

And before you think that the money is going to infrastructure or salaries related to food services, the article clarifies that "[m]ajor expenses such as dining hall infrastructure and food service worker salaries come from separate funding sources[.]" 

    The problem appears to be much worse at certain posts: "At Fort Stewart, Georgia, for example, soldiers contributed $17 million, but the base spent just $2.1 million -- redirecting 87% of the funds. Schofield Barracks in Hawaii collected $14.5 million but used only $5.3 million, meaning 63% of the money was used elsewhere." Apparently this is why soldiers are having a hard time finding quality food and are suffering food shortages on base. 

    But no one apparently knows--or is saying--where the money is going. 


  1. It's been 22 years this April since I ate at a chow hall on Schofield.

    At the time the food was fresh and tasty, at least for army chow, and there was only a few small diners on the whole island where you could beat the $3.75 breakfast price.

    Most army posts you either ate at the barracks or went hungry, if you don't have a ride it's at least an hour walk from where the Sappers are sequestered because everybody wanted us kept in areas we wouldn't corrupt everyone else.


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