Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Asteroid 2024 YR4

Asteroid 2024 YR4 is a recently discovered asteroid that potentially could strike the Earth (or the Moon) in 2032. The size of the asteroid is currently a matter of debate because, right now, the estimates are based on the reflection of the object. However, the ESA has indicated that "2024 YR4 could be 40 m [130 feet] across and very reflective, or 90 m [295 feet] across and not very reflective," adding that "the hazard represented by a 40 m asteroid is very different from that of a 90 m asteroid." But scientists will be using the James Webb telescope to make a better estimate of its size and course. 

The first round of James Webb observations will transpire in March when the asteroid is at its brightest. It will then set its sights on the YR4 again in May as the space rock rockets away from the sun, which will be its final chance to provide observations until the asteroid’s comeback tour in 2028. 

    Originally, scientists believed that the asteroid had a 1% chance of striking the Earth in 2032, but this has been revised up to 2.3%. There is also a 0.3% chance it might strike the moon.

    If it strikes the moon, "a potential impact by the giant space rock could create a crater hundreds of metres wide, ejecting debris into space" and "some debris from Earth’s neighbour might rain back onto the planet." Conversely, "a strike by YR4 [on the Earth] would cause roughly the same amount of damage as the Tunguska impactor, which laid waste to around 80 million trees in Siberia in 1908[.]"


  1. Well, thankfully it will only destroy trees.

    1. According to an article at Wired Magazine (https://www.wired.com/story/asteroid-2024-yr4/) "the asteroid should fall somewhere in a band of territory stretching from northern South America, across the Pacific Ocean, to southern Asia, the Arabian Sea, and Africa."


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