Friday, October 6, 2023

Making The Left Live Up To Their Own Rules

    Democrat officials in deep blue Massachusetts are getting fed up as consequences of Joe Biden’s border crises continue to reverberate in the northeast.

    Gov. Maura Healey has been clear that she wants Biden to cut loose with more money in federal aid to the state to pay for the thousands of illegals flooding the state, and she has also called for fast tracked work permits to get the illegals earning a paycheck. So far, her requests have fallen on deaf ears in the White House.

Gov. Healey still thinks the solution is to tax Americans even more. And get this:

Massachusetts has seen some 6,800 border crossers arrive in the state. While that is a far smaller number than the influx inundating Chicago or New York City, Bay State officials say that their resources are already stretched to the full extent available. 

That's a slow day for Texas and the other border states. Massachusetts definitely needs more. And Massachusetts isn't the only state unwilling to live with the consequences of its liberal policies:

    Liberal Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois recently sent a letter to the Biden administration admitting that his state is under an “enormous strain” over the flood of Illegals, most of which are headed for Chicago.

    The Windy City alone has suffered an influx of more than 15,000 illegals just since last year and the Land of Lincoln has been left footing the $330 million bill to house, feed, clothe, and give medical care to the border crossers entering their state. And that doesn’t even count what Chicago has spent.

    New York Gov. Kathy Hohcul, also a left-wing Democrat, has been pleading with the Biden administration to take responsibility for Biden’s border crisis and in Aug. begged the administration for a bailout to help care for the illegals.

    Meanwhile, nearby New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy also put the Biden administration on blast and even said that his state is closed to more illegals.

Wikipedia indicates that the sanctuary cities in New Jersey include Asbury Park, Camden, East Orange, Hoboken, Jersey City, Linden, New Brunswick, Newark, North Bergen, Plainfield, Trenton and Union City. They could definitely use a few tens of thousands more. Why should Texas, Arizona, or the other agricultural states in the West and Midwest have all the fun?

... It’s nearly as difficult to find an empty hospital bed now as it was at the height of the pandemic. Many of the migrants arrive with or develop serious medical issues. And the vast majority of them have no jobs or money, they have no insurance, and they have no accessible medical records. This is placing a huge strain on the city’s hospitals and sucking up resources that legal residents still require. ...

Conservatives have warned about this for years and were consequently labeled racists and white supremacists, black-listed, persecuted, and, in the case of Trump and his closest associates, prosecuted. Border states have seen hospitals and clinics go bankrupt and shut down for decades due to too many illegals. New Yorkers wouldn't listen to reason, they couldn't learn from the experience of others, so they need to learn from their own experience. 

    The article concludes:

    The entire system is overwhelmed. Whether you’re talking about housing, food, clothing, medical care, or anything else, the migrants are sucking all of the resources out of the city. And the taxpayers are footing the bill for all of it, either directly or indirectly. Few have the heart to say no to the migrants because Americans tend to be charitable people who want to help if they’re able. But this has long since passed the point of ridiculousness.

    Somebody needs to grow a spine and do the job that Joe Biden refuses to do. The vast majority of these migrants are not eligible for asylum and the government knows it. They have no legal entitlement to simply show up here illegally and demand limitless free resources. Every one of them who doesn’t qualify for asylum needs to be rounded up and put on buses, planes, and ships and sent back to where they came from. And we need to shut off the southern border in a serious way. If Biden won’t do it, he needs to let Greg Abbott do it and stop fighting him in court every time he begins making some progress. And this can’t wait until Joe Biden is (hopefully) replaced as President. The crisis is real and it’s upon us today. Something needs to be done. 

What needs to be done is so overwhelm sanctuary cities and states with illegals that the voters in those cities and states turn on the Elites. 


  1. Replies
    1. When New York was facing bankruptcy in the 1970s, it forced them to institute reforms, which led to the City actually improving over the following two decades.


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