Tuesday, October 31, 2023

SMV Is Real: Two Flight Attendants Sue Because They Weren't Attractive Enough

 The headline reads: "Two United flight attendants sue the airline after they were axed from working on chartered Dodgers flight because of their race and age." Per the article, "Dawn Todd, 50, and Darby Quezada, 44, claim they were passed over in favor of flight attendants who were 'young and thin' as well as predominately blond and blue-eyed' - and fit the 'certain look' the Los Angeles Dodgers players liked." Todd is black and Quezada is "of Mexican, Black and Jewish descent."


  1. Why don't they sue to become Hooter's waitresses?

    1. Because these chartered flights put them in direct contact with a bunch of wealthy men.


PJ Media: "How 'Woke' Social Conditioning Almost Cost My Friend His Life ..."

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