Friday, October 6, 2023

The Great Replacement: Hillary Calls For MAGA To Be Re-Educated

Why are Leftist so obsessed with concentration/re-education camps? From The Blaze: "Hillary Clinton calls for Trump Supporters to be reeducated: 'At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.'"


  1. The months leading up to the 2016 Election were a scary time...being faced with the very good odds of a Hillary Presidency. BUT. After four years of Joe and the nightmarish possibility of another four years of the dynamic duo beginning in 2024...I'm beginning to question if Hillary would be the much lesser of evils. All her many faults and flaws aside...she does have a better resume...First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the White House, Senator and US Secretary of State...and I also don't think she is intent on destroying the economy nor the country as a whole. At least, being the shrewd and successful businesswoman that she is, she might be able to apply those skills to running the country. Even Obama would be better than Kamala and Joe. Back in 2016 I thought the Democratic candidate couldn't have been any worse, but, just like the old saying goes, "just when you think it can't get any worse..."

    1. The fact that she is more competent than Biden makes her a scarier prospect.

  2. The only surprising thing is that she said it out loud.

    1. She said the deplorables part out loud as well: she feels very strongly about it.


The Future Of Self-Defense May Involve Defense Against Gangs/Mobs

There is a famous line from L.P. Hartley's "The Go Between" that goes like this: “The past is a foreign country; they do thing...