Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wilder: "The Wilder Cure For Illegal Aliens"

John Wilder takes a look in his trademark humorous way at the main NGOs behind the current invasion of illegal aliens. The main one the International Rescue Committee (IRC) which receives $1.4 billion a year in funds, much of which is from the U.S. government. In other words, our government is paying for our invasion, which is probably what you already guessed. John asks:

Why are there housing shortages?  Illegals.  Why are we printing billions and billions of dollars so that these people can live free while you and I work and scrimp to get along?  And while we’re peppered first with advice to not have children, and then propaganda that we need hordes of illiterate people who don’t speak our language so that we can survive economically.

Good point. But John answers his own question:

    Because people like AOC and Black Rock® (Larry Fink is on the IRC© advisor list) like uneducated, often illiterate and criminal illegal aliens better than they like you and me.  They like them better than they like homegrown Leftists, too, since the illegals are a group of compliant second-tier serfs that feed their businesses with cheap labor and, soon enough, will vote reliably for the Democratic Leftist Global Elite candidates.  To top it off, these invaders are a net economic negative, costing far more than they produce in revenue.

    Trying to import low-skilled, low-education labor to improve the economy is like trying to lose weight on an ice cream and beer diet.  But, hey, it helps people like Larry Fink buy your house and make you homeless, plus they get the fun of watching you get evicted.

I'm guessing that Larry Fink is not doing this to his co-religionists in Israel, however.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm not sure. Are you saying that illegal aliens are bad for the country?


The Diversity Report #21

 A selection of articles showcasing the benefits of diversity, equity and inclusion:  When Muslims become a majority of the population: ...