Tuesday, January 16, 2024

It's An Invasion: African Muslims Crossing The Border

 A long-time reader directed my attention to this piece: "I Filmed Illegal Aliens African Islamists Praying Towards Mecca On The Border In Lukeville" from the Rainforth Report. Lukeville is an Arizona town right on the border with Mexico, just across from Sonoyta, Mexico, and SSW of Phoenix. The author writes:

    This is what’s happening in Lukeville, Arizona, on the border every day. Young illegal alien men from Islamic African countries enter by the hundreds every day. I filmed there for seven weeks, camped out in the middle of the inanity. I’ve been filming on borders around the world and in the United States since 2019, and I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s like a Third World country there in Lukeville,Arizona.

    These are future Islamic terrorists, just waiting to happen. Most of the illegal, alien men from Africa come from the countries of Senegal and Guinea. 97% of the people in Senegal are of the Islamic religion. In Guinea, it’s about 86%. 

    About 50% of the illegal aliens I saw in Lukeville came from Islamic African nations.

    At a time when Joe Biden has the entire world on fire and at war because of his ineptitude, now we’re almost at war with the Islamic world after we just attacked terrorists in Yemen. At the same time, Biden has been allowing tens of thousands of young Islamic men to enter the country illegally, and they’re filling up our cities, and who knows how that’s going to end.

The author was told by Border Patrol agents that this has been happening for 6-months. The author also includes a bunch of videos (watchable on YouTube). 

    Keep in mind that one of the primary reasons for Western governments to allow these imports is to gain the needed workers to prop up Social Security or whatever public pension system a particular country uses. 

    These pension systems were devised back when native populations were, to one extent or another, still growing, with the expectation that there would always be a succeeding generation slightly larger than the preceding generation, that would pay taxes into the system and keep it going. In other words, a government enforced Ponzi scheme. 

    But, of course, that isn't how it worked out; and, in fact, if these governments had actually analyzed their demographic data they would have seen that family sizes were already declining when they instituted these systems, which trend accelerated as women entered the work force. Or perhaps these governments analyzed the demographic data and still went ahead with these schemes: after all, most of these public pension programs were introduced as sops to placate restive populations.  

    So now, just as George Friedman predicted in his book, The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century, countries are trying to vacuum up migrants to keep the public welfare programs afloat and grow their economies. The problem they face is that, contrary to the Ivory Tower economic theories that guide them, the illegals are not fully interchangeable with the native populations: that is, an immigrant from a third-world country is not equivalent to a trained and educated American (or European) in terms of economic output, including the level of taxes paid into Social Security or its equivalent elsewhere. And if IQ measurements are correct, and because intelligence is largely inheritable, neither will be most of the children of these immigrants. 


Weekend Reading

 First up, although I'm several days late on this, Jon Low posted a new Defensive Pistolcraft newsletter on 12/15/2024 . He includes thi...