Saturday, January 13, 2024

LDS Church Hires Pride Supporter For Communications Director

The Deseret News reports that "Aaron Sherinian, a longtime global communications specialist, was introduced Tuesday as the new head of public affairs and media relations for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." The rest of the sycophantic article is about what a wonderful and experienced person he is for the job. What is missing from the article but catching attention is that Sherinian is quite clear about his support for the LGBTQ+, including making sure everyone knows his correct pronouns and posting on social media his support for the LGBTQ+ agenda

    Cwic Media has a video on the subject and, notwithstanding his typical hedging and hawing, discusses why this is wrong and contradictory to basic gospel principles. It is another sign that we have a crises of leadership in the Church. It seems that they would rather lose the bird in hand (the faithful members) in favor of trying to catch the two birds in the bush (people that aren't interested in the gospel but the leaders believe might be if they just chase them hard enough). If questioned on this, they would probably fall back on the parable of the lost sheep saying that they are just going in search of the lost one, but Christ never said anything about the shepherd spitting on the 99, abusing them, and driving them away before going to search for the single missing sheep.

Cwic Media (21 min.)


  1. More about Mr. Sherinian:

    1. I see the Lefties don't like him because he worked for a big tobacco company.

  2. Sound like the faux pope's pick.

    1. His bio says he worked at the U.S. Embassy to the Vatican, but not what he did there.

  3. Replies
    1. I don't know. What I hear about is a lot of wokeness indoctrination at BYU Provo and, I expect, other church schools. One of the comments to the Cwik video was from someone who indicated that a disproportionate number of employees at Church headquarters held woke views. But the cancer has been metastasizing for a long time. For instance, back in the '90s, the English department at BYU was using "womyn" instead of "women".

    2. There’s very little wokeness indoctrination at BYU. A little bit in the social science fields, but not widespread. And there’s no such thing as “BYU Provo”. There’s BYU, BYU-I, and BYU-H

    3. Oxford dictionary defines woke as “alert to injustice, especially racism”. It’s not a criticism to call somebody woke. Was President Nelson “woke” for telling members the Covid vaccine was an answer to prayer, encouraging members who can safely do so to get vaccinated and to show love to their neighbors by wearing a mask as the height of the pandemic? You seem more invested in your politics than in your religion.

    4. @Anonymous (8:04 PM): I'm well aware that the school in Provo is just "BYU" (see my second reference to it in my comment) but wanted to be be clear for those reading my comment--especially for those not familiar with the Church schools--that I was referring to the university in Provo and not those in Hawaii or Rexburg.

    5. @Anonymous (8:59 pm): My gosh, you're right. An appeal to authority is such a well recognized logical argument that I'm surprised I didn't make the deduction myself. So if the Oxford Dictionary doesn't say "woke" is a pejorative, it must be so, no matter how many people use it as such. Thanks for setting me straight.

  4. You're mistaken if you don't think the church is loosing faithful members over lgbtq policies

    1. You're right. They might not be requesting that they be removed from the records of the church, but they are disengaging including going to church less often or leaving right after sacrament meeting. It's my understanding that there has been such a drop off in men participating that new wards will be authorized even if there is only a dozen or so temple-worthy Melchizedek priesthood holders within the proposed boundaries.

  5. Younger generations overwhelmingly support LGBTQ issues. Prejudiced old guys cry fowl. What’s new.

    1. Younger generations overwhelmingly support eating Tide pods, too.


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