Just some articles that caught my attention for one reason or another:
- First up, don't forget to visit Active Response Training's website for the Weekend Knowledge Dump from this past weekend. Lots of great linkage including Greg Ellifritz's thoughts on different brands of pepper spray, a review of a knife using a G10 blade (i.e., non-metallic), a comparison between M855 and M193 5.56 ammo, the best shotgun ammo for home defense, an article on mounting standards for red dot sights (including the different "footprints"), and more. I will note as to the latter article that you need to read the fine print before you purchase a red-dot because even if a red-dot is listed as working with a particular footprint, it may use an adapter plate to do so.
- Speaking of red dot pistol optics: "Burris FastFire C Pistol Optic"--Guns Magazine. It uses an RMSc footprint, and the MSRP is $276.
- And speaking of defensive shotgun ammo: "Federal’s Flite Control vs. Hornady’s Versa-Tite"--That Shotgun Blog. You might think that because Hornady uses virtually the same shotgun wad as Federal, you would get similar patterning, but that isn't the case:
The Hornady load, even though it has the same basic wad design, does not shoot nearly as tight as the Federal Flite Control. I think this is largely due to using standard lead pellets, a higher muzzle velocity, and lack of buffer material. Even though the wads of both loads probably fall off the payload at about the same distance, odds are the Hornady pellets have more deformation than the Federal pellets. This causes more fliers, and explains the uneven pattern density.
On the other hand, "Federal uses a copper plated shot and fine buffering material to keep the shot from deforming when it is accelerated down the barrel of the shotgun."
- "UPDATED: A Deep Dive into Cases Where Civilians Stopped Active Shooters. Did they accidentally shoot bystanders, get in the way of police, get their gun taken away, or create other problems? How does it compare to police who stopped these attacks?"--Crime Research. Key bits:
... During the ten years from 2014 to 2023, there were 180 active shooting cases (as defined by the FBI) where a concealed handgun permit holder stopped an active shooting attack. We decided to do a deep dive to see how many cases there were out of those 180 cases where a concealed handgun permit holder accidentally shot a bystander (one case, 0.56%), got in the way of police (zero cases, 0.0%), had the handgun taken away (one case, 0.56%), and got themselves killed (two cases, 1.1%). What was more common were cases where the permit holder was injured in saving the lives of others (44 cases, 24%). Fifty-eight of those cases were instances where a mass public shooting was likely prevented. ....
While civilians with concealed handgun permits stopped 51.5% of the active shootings in non-gun-free zones, police stopped 44.6% of the cases (124 arrested or killed by police, 32 committed suicide when police arrived = 156/350 = 44.57%). Interestingly, police officers were much more likely to lose their lives or be wounded in stopping these attacks than armed civilians. Twenty-seven officers were killed in 19 attacks (7.7% and 5.4%, respectively). That is 5.94 times the rate that permit holders were killed. One hundred officers were wounded in 48 attacks (28.6% and 13.7%, respectively). That rate is 17% higher than for civilians. In four cases, the police shot and killed the wrong person — twice they accidentally shot fellow police officers (Prince George’s County Police Department District 3 Station on March 13, 2016 and Borderline Bar and Grill on November 7, 2018) and twice they accidentally shot civilians (Galleria Mall in Hoover, Alabama on Nov. 23, 2018 and Highlands Ranch, Colorado on May 7, 2019). The bottom line is that the rate of police shooting the wrong person is very low, though it is slightly more than twice the rate that civilians shoot a bystander (1.14% versus 0.56%). The police accidentally shot other police officers at very slight higher than the rate that civilians shot bystanders.
- "The Pros and Cons of Cross Draw Carry"--Galco Blog. An excerpt:
In a variety of situations, cross draw is much more comfortable than a strong-side hip holster. Reaching across the torso is easier when seated than reaching for the strong-side hip.
Bodyguards, long-distance drivers, people who use wheelchairs, and anyone else who spends a good amount of time sitting may prefer cross draw to other holstering methods.
Outdoorsmen and hunters may prefer the crossdraw position because it keeps the handgun clear of other gear like pack straps and rifle stocks.
Older shooters who have joint problems often also like crossdraw holsters, because of the lesser shoulder rotation required to draw compared to a strongside holster.
While there are benefits, be sure to also consider the downsides discussed in the article. I've used crossdraw and have liked it. But it is a method for an untucked shirt, a sweater, or a closed jacket.
- "SPECTRE’s Vega IB333: One Year Review"--Commando Bond. This is a somewhat different blog on concealed carry and EDC in that the author has modeled his EDC equipment and practices off of the James Bond films. In this particular post, he reviews a soft suede leather IWB holster apparently manufactured (at least at one time) by Vega, and which was used by Daniel Craig's version of James Bond in a few movies. It's rare to see long term product reviews, but the author notes after a year of wearing this holster it seems to have held up pretty well and is generally comfortable, although he is not a fan of the plastic clip. However, I noticed in a subsequent post that he switched to a Kydex holster that he wrapped in suede to make it look like this holster but would not have issues with the mouth collapsing when trying to reholster.
- "GLOCK 43X Handgun, Maximum Concealment & It Shoots – Review"--Ammo Land. Apparently a reprint of an article originally published in 2019. The reviewer gave the 43X high marks. Of course, at the time of the review only 10-round single stack magazines were available. There are now some third-party 1.5 stack magazines available that boost capacity to 15 rounds, including the PSA Dagger Micro 9mm 15 Round Magazine which has the advantage over its competitor of not needing a different magazine catch installed.
- "Colt Python 2.5 Inch – Cadillac Of Snubs"--Guns America Blog. An excerpt:
Range time with the new Python was a lot of fun. Given that it weighs 35 oz., it soaked up the recoil of the .38 Special rounds with ease. Magnums were another story! Unlike the previous models, the new 2.5” Python comes with service stocks that follow the contour of the frame. These were too small for my hands, and when shooting, my middle finger knuckle took a beating against the back of the trigger guard. I reached out to my friend, John Harrison, who was kind enough to loan me an original Tyler T-Grip adaptor.
The author also carried out some gel tests of different ammo. As between Hornady’s Critical Defense 125 gr. FTX and Critical Duty 135 gr. Flex Lox, both in .357 Magnum, the Critical Duty round performed better, with the nose of the Critical Duty projectile collapsing in on itself. As between the Hornady Critical Defense 110 FTX load and Federal’s 120 gr. +P Punch JHP, both in .38 Special, the Punch had more expansion.
- "Open Carry v. Doofus Carry"--Tactical Wire. An analysis of a recent video that made the rounds of the internet showing someone that openly carried a pistol in the back pocket of his jeans; and who, of course, had it promptly snatched away.
- "How Has ATF Weaponized Its Facial Recognition Capability Against Lawful Gun Owners?"--Shooting News Weekly.
This major revelation [the use of an ATF facial recognition data base to quickly identify Thomas Matthew Crooks] follows years of speculation that the ATF has been expanding its surveillance infrastructure well beyond its intended role.
- In 2023, leaked documents exposed that the ATF was working with state and local governments to deploy facial recognition at gun stores, shooting ranges, and firearm-related events.
- The FBI has also admitted to using facial recognition on concealed carry permit holders in multiple states—often without a warrant.
- The ATF’s “Zero-Tolerance” policy against gun stores has resulted in thousands of gun dealers losing their licenses—often for minor paperwork errors—further consolidating government control over firearm transactions.
This means law-abiding citizens exercising their constitutional rights may be secretly added to watchlists—without probable cause or due process.
- "Historic Pocket Pistols: The World’s First Concealed Carry Firearms"--Outdoor Life. A look at some early pocket pistols (keeping in mind that coat pockets were often more capacious than now) such as the Queen Ann's flintlock pistol, the Henry Deringer percussion cap pistol, the later Derringer pistols, and the early Browning semiautomatic pocket pistols; as well as early regulations on pistols and concealed firearms.
- "The Horror of Cow Attacks: ‘I Told My Husband to Leave Me to Die’"--The Guardian (via Get Pocket). This may be more of an issue in the UK which apparently has laws allowing hikers to traverse privately owned fields. In any event, it clearly dispels the notion that just because an animal is "domesticated" and an herbivore, it is not dangerous. I haven't had any issues when I've come across grazing cattle (knock on wood) but I definitely keep a weather eye out for any issues if they are nearby. Unfortunately, whether its out of curiosity or their associating it with people, cattle seem drawn to gun fire; or, at least, they do not seem afraid of it. I have, on occasion, had to move to a different target shooting location because of cattle wondering too near.
- "The 5 Best Portable Power Stations of 2025"--Popular Mechanics. The author notes:
While gas generators are useful, especially as full backup power for your home, but portable power stations are often the more convenient, more portable option. These large generator-sized batteries are more versatile and have a lot to offer: For starters, they're quieter. If you are hosting a party or tailgating, the noise of a gas engine won't drown out the conversation and music around you. Or if you're recharging essential electronics at night while camping, a quieter environment obviously makes for easier sleeping.
You can also run a power station indoors, unlike a gas- or propane-powered portable generator. If you are trying to power a small appliance in your house during an outage, you can plop the power station right next to it.
- "Pro Tips For Your Car Camping Adventure"--Country Living (via Get Pocket). From the article:
While regular camping is more common, car camping in your SUV has been trending now more than ever. During the pandemic, people made more summer travel plans around road trips as they avoided airplanes to flatten the curve. If you’re planning a road trip, consider car camping. Benefits include saving time (you’re not pitching a tent at every stop), avoiding hotel rooms, and being able to store your belongings right in your car. If you’re experienced or if it’s your first time, here’s what you should know before you go on a car camping adventure.
- "Pemmican Recipe: How to Make This Nutrient-Dense Trail Food"--Outdoor Life. Some background on Pemmican, how to make it (including different ingredients you can use), etc.
- "Article 94"--Dive Medic. Some rumors and thoughts about possible coup discussions among top military brass prior to Trump's inauguration and applicable portions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
- "What would REALLY happen if Russia nuked Britain and the US. DEEP DIVE"--Daily Mail. Fairly in-depth look at one possible nuclear attack scenario. Sort of like a big infographic with information on the submarines, missiles, etc., as well as how Russia could sneak its submarines from port to a launch location, how the attack might be carried out, how Britain (or the U.S.) might react or try to defend itself, how the President would be saved, the alert and advice that would go out to civilians, and a bit on the aftermath.
- "Flu is out of control in the United States: Could a long-term immunosuppressive effect of repeated mRNA Covid shots be part of the reason? Don't expect the media to ask"--Unreported Truths.
Most people do not know that the “m” in mRNA Covid jabs doesn’t really stand for “messenger.” It stands for “modified,” because the RNA in the jabs is not identical to the RNA in nature.
mRNA is a thread of four types of “nucleotides,” simple carbon-based molecules linked in a long chain. But the mRNA in Covid shots contains a slightly different kind of nucleotide, one that tamps down our immune systems and makes them less likely to recognize the vaccine as a foreign body and attack it.
* * *
But even after the clinical trials of mRNA Covid shots in 2020, which covered more than 70,000 people, we had no way of knowing if the downregulation that the shots produce might somehow in the long run lead our immune systems to be less aggressive against other foreign invaders, such as flu. How could we? We effectively ended the trials in early 2021 by giving mRNA shots to almost everyone who had received the placebo in the trials.
Nor could we know if giving people a third, fourth, fifth, or even more “booster” mRNA Covid shots might cause immune dysregulation in ways that the first two shots did not. How could we? The companies ran much smaller and shorter trials on the third shot and have barely run any on subsequent boosters.
What we do know now is that mRNA shots cause an unexpected shift towards a less effective form of antibodies against Covid in people who have received at least three.
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