Friday, January 5, 2024

Concealed Carry On An Off-Road Vehicle

 In another article from The Firearm Blog, part of their Concealed Carry Corner, Matt E. discusses "How To Conceal In An ORV." That is, riding four-wheelers, side-by-sides or jeeps. He primarily focuses on inside-the-waistband (IWB) versus outside-the-waistband (OWB) carry and gives his recommendation on features to look for (or avoid) including one holster in particular he likes. 

    I don't have much experience with riding four-wheelers and have never used or ridden in a side-by-side, but it seems to me that many of the same concerns as carrying when in a car would apply--particularly with side-by-sides and jeeps where you probably will be (or should be) wearing some sort of seat-belt. Thus, you might need to access your firearm while buckled in. For the driver, this might mean a cross-draw or shoulder holster might work better than a strong-side holster. 

    It also seems to me that another factor might be protecting the firearm from dirt (dust), mud, water, etc., since you may well be exposed to the elements. Presumably if the firearm is "concealed" it will be protected by an overhanging jacket or shirt. If it will be carried more openly, it seems a holster with a protective flap might be in order.

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Weekend Reading

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