Thursday, July 20, 2023

Vox Day: "The War Comes to the USA"

Vox Day comments regarding the six explosions that, on July 15, destroyed a Louisiana Dow Chemical plant used to manufacture ethylene oxide: 

    Ethylene oxide is a primary component of thermobaric munitions, which includes the AGM-114 Hellfire missile, the BLU-118/B thermobaric bomb, the XM1060 40mm thermobaric grenade, and the SMAW-NE antitank missile. While it’s possible that the timing of the plant’s destruction was coincidental, the fact that it took place as NATO is desperately attempting to ramp up munitions production to replace its depleted stocks tends to suggest that covert enemy ops were responsible.

    As unpleasant as it may be to contemplate the possibility, the USA is now almost certainly finding itself on the business end of the special operations spear that it has so heavily utilized around the world for the last 40 years. While one assumes the Russians are the most likely culprits, the Chinese have been preparing for direct conflict with the US military for more than 20 years and it is certainly in their interest to ensure that US munitions supplies remain scarce.

1 comment:

The FBI Is Not Exactly Covering Itself With Glory

     The FBI seems to be doubling down on corruption and showing it is not worthy of trust. First up, if you have been wondering why the AG...