Sunday, December 10, 2023

Second Circuit Strikes Down Certain New York Gun Control Laws

The Daily Mail reports: "Gun owners celebrate after federal appeals court shoots down parts of New York's strict conceal carry laws including ban on firearms in houses of worship in shock 261-page decision." Struck down were a prohibition on carrying in a house of worship, a requirement that applicants for a handgun license turn over a list of their social media accounts, and provisions outlawing the carrying of a concealed firearm onto private property without the express consent of the owner "which would have kept firearms out of places like shops, supermarkets and restaurants unless the proprietor put a sign up saying guns were welcome."


  1. Bravo. Now we need more Supremes to keep the majority alive.

    1. Yup. Because if the Democrats have the opportunity to remake the court, one of their first tasks will be destroy the Second Amendment.


Gun & Prepping News #12

  Just some articles that caught my attention for one reason or another:   Jon Low has posted a new Defensive Pistolcraft newsletter . As al...