Friday, December 22, 2023

The Great Replacement Includes All Americans

Kevin Downey Jr. warns at PJ Media that "Yes, Americans, We're Being Replaced — ALL of Us." A warning not just to white people, although we are certainly the primary focus, but to blacks and Native Americans.

    Here is the takeaway: a leftist wrote an article about replacing white people, then pointed, laughed, and said, "Those racist Triscuits think they are being replaced. Idiots!"

    But here is the super-secret truth: all Americans are being replaced.

    Record numbers of illegal immigrants are crossing our borders, and the Democrat Uniparty is laying out the red carpet for them. Many are flown into the U.S. interior secret-squirrel style in the wee hours of the morning, when airports are typically closed, to destinations unknown.

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    Elderly Americans — including veterans — are being booted from nursing homes and hotels and being replaced by our welcomed invaders.

    Groups of black Americans in Chicago have been protesting that their resources, including a field house, are being used to house illegal immigrants.

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    In other words, step aside, fatherless, impoverished black children requiring discipline, mentorship, and safety; there's a new niño in town.

    A further smack in the face is that Chicago is planning to renovate unused buildings for illegal immigrants, never mind those 6,139 Chicagoans who are homeless, 83% of whom are black or Hispanic.

    As per a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, one out of every three Americans believes the tsunami of immigrante is being ushered in to replace We the People. Check out this doublespeak from the Pravda apparatchiks at NBC. I added the boldy bits:

“I very much believe that the Democrats — from Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, all the way down — want to get the illegal immigrants in here and give them voting rights immediately,” said Sally Gansz, 80. Actually, only U.S. citizens can vote in state and federal elections, and attaining citizenship typically takes years.

 More than 800,000 noncitizens in New York City will have access to the ballot box for municipal elections as early as next year the city's mayor permitted legislation to become law in January. [sic]

    So illegal immigrants can't vote, except for those 800k in New York who "have access to the ballot box." How long until Gropey Joe finalizes his plan to legalize those 11 million journeyfolk crusading over our borders and let their votes replace ours?

 Be sure to read the whole thing.

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