Thursday, October 5, 2023

Biden To Construct Border Wall: Does This Make Him A Racist?

It appears that Abbott's strategy of shipping illegals to New York and Chicago is working. The Daily Mail reports: "Biden's border U-turn: White House begins construction on a WALL in Texas to deal with a surge in migrants in shock reversal - prompting Trump to gloat that he was 'always right'." It's only a 20-mile section in Starr County, Texas, but it is a start. From the article:

    The Biden administration has made a stunning reversal in migration policy by revealing it will build 20 miles of border wall to try and combat the latest surge in migrant crossings.

    In a shock announcement on Wednesday night, the Department of Homeland Security said it's waiving 26 federal laws to start constructing a new 'physical barrier' that was started under Donald Trump.

    The Biden White House has consistently slammed Trump's tough migration policy and even cancelled the wall construction when Biden took office.

    On his first day in office, Biden even declared that building a wall wasn't 'a serious policy solution.'

    But the recent acceleration in migrant crossings and pressure to deal with the crisis has now forced the federal government to change direction.

    The U-turn comes as Democrat-run cities such as New York and Chicago demand Biden do more to stop border crossers ending up in their communities and straining resources. 

* * *

    According to government data, about 245,000 illegal entries have been recorded in Rio Grande Valley Sector, which includes Starr County, during the 2023 fiscal year through early August. 

    DHS will waive statutes including the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act to make way for construction, which will use funds from a congressional appropriation in 2019 for border wall construction. 

    The waivers avoid time-consuming reviews and lawsuits challenging violation of environmental laws.

Democrats are worms but even worms will react to pain.

    In other news: "America's border war has begun: TODD BENSMAN's dramatic eyewitness report on Texas' invasion of a Mexican cartel island crawling with gang members and ringed with sniper nests... and it's all happening INSIDE the U.S." Texas Rangers assembled a force to retake a densely overgrown 170-acre island near the isolated village of Fronton, 250 miles south of San Antonio, that was controlled by armed cartels. An excerpt:

    On the Fronton border with operation about to start the Rangers commander wrapped up his briefing.

    Don't disturb backpacks or piles of clothes, he cautioned the men. Last month, an improvised explosive was found buried amid a stash of weapons and semi-automatic rifle ammunition.

    Mark the caches and call in the bomb squad, he told them, there's a fair chance the cartels left booby traps.

    Above all, the commander seemed most concerned with the burned out, bullet-pocked structures spray-painted with cartel acronyms on the bluffs overlooking Fronton Island from Mexico.

    Those are the sniper perches.

    'We have not seen people in there this morning, but we know that that's what they're used for,' he said.

    And, oh yeah, watch out for Africanized killer bees on the island.

    'They're aggressive.'

    With the instructions complete, the men boarded All-Terrain Vehicles and roared off in a convoy through thick brush and deep mud created by a rare overnight rainfall.

    At least today no one shot at the Texas troopers, but that's no guarantee they won't find themselves under attack in the future.

    These vanguards will secure the island to allow for Texas National Guard engineers to safely bring in bulldozers and heavy machinery to completely denude the landscape of trees and brush before they fortify it with concertina wire.


  1. You could deploy machine gun nests more quickly.

    1. But we need to send the machine guns to Ukraine!


Bombs & Bants Episode 143 (Streameed 9/18/2024)

 “You fool, Warren is DEAD!” Oh, sorry, wrong podcast. Door slams.  VIDEO: Bombs & Bants Episode 143 (53 min.)