Thursday, September 21, 2023

Police Threaten To Arrest 11-Year Old For Being Victim

You may have already seen something about this story as it is circulating through the conservative social media sites and blogs. The basic facts are that a father called police to report that his 11-year old daughter was the victim of a child predator that had tricked/manipulated the girl into sending explicit photos of herself to the man. Two police officers showed up 6 hours later--at around midnight--and the female cop in the duo basically tell the father that if he is going to pursue the issue, they are going to arrest the girl for producing child porn. 

    Several people have commented on this turn of events, including Dive Medic, who writes (emphasis added):

In this case, an online predator has tricked a child into taking nude pictures of herself. The father understandably calls the cops, thinking that the cops would protect a child from an online predator. Instead, the cops arrived and threatened to arrest the child for producing child porn. Of course, they were going to do no such thing, because getting such a charge past prosecutors, a judge, and a jury is not going to happen. What this statement was really intended to do was send the message that the cops weren’t going to do anything.

He goes on to note that police agencies were created essentially to protect the criminals from the public and ensure that people received a fair trail (instead of being lynched by a mob or vigilantes). "At some point," he continues, "they became corrupted into being the enforcers of government edicts, then morphed again into lazy cowards who are sucking at the public teat while doing as little as possible." 

    He continues by warning that the consequences is that people will be forced to take matters into their own hands:

    This entire situation just sent a clear message to the father: his child is not going to be protected by the legal system that his is paying taxes to support. There is only one inescapable conclusion to this situation- the father is either going to have to do it himself, or he will have to let this go and accept the fact that his daughter is the sexual plaything of both a sexual predator and the cops who are supposed to arrest freaks like that. ...

    The lesson that I take from this? A society that can’t protect its most vulnerable members (11 year old children) has already failed. Don’t call the cops. They are as useful as a football bat.

    Glenn Reynolds has commented several times over the past several years that a failure of policing will lead to more self-help. Reynolds has used instances of mobs beating, killing and even burning criminals in third world countries as examples of what might happen here. Greg Ellifritz has predicted that the lack of pro-active policing will result in more and more individuals and neighborhoods resorting to hiring private security. ("Guards with assault rifles hired to protect Philly cheesesteak joint"--New York Post).

    The Good Luck America channel on YouTube has also put out a video which discusses this incident.

The producer of that video likewise came to the conclusion that the female officer made the comment for the purpose of making the father aware that the police weren't going to do anything about it so he would drop the matter. The producer also believes that it was because the cops that responded were basically lazy and simply didn't want to have to do their job.

    One has to question what were the officers' motives. Was it laziness? Was it to avoid a police report being filed for some reason? If the latter, was it to keep crime statistics down? Or to cover up or protect someone?

    The only thing that should be scarier than an ordinary citizen breaking the law, should be the spectacle of the mills of justice grinding an officer who's transgressed. Punishment should be draconian, and more fearsome than being kidnapped by drug cartels.

    Instead, it's mainly wrist slaps, if it happens at all, and even then, mainly only honored in the breach. That's why departments have lists of officers with 10, 20, 50 verified major screw-ups, and even fired officers just drift to other departments, and rack up serial bad conduct rap sheets without the hammer falling until they kill somebody or make the national news, rather than being black-balled from the profession for life.

    What sticks in everyone's craw isn't that the media gives cops a bad rap, it's that every police department in America uses the Catholic Church's example for dealing with child-molesting priests as their disciplinary model: sweep it under the rug, and pretend it never happened. ...

He is discussing police looking the other way when it comes to fellow police officers. I can't speak to the frequency of such conduct. Certainly, if you read Serpico, petty corruption was rampant in the NYPD at the time Serpico served on the force, and there was a lot worse going on. And, more to the point, even the officers who disliked what was happening would not raise a fuss because they depended on their fellow officers to watch their back--officers that might be involved in the corruption. Certainly, in the case of Serpico after he had made his complaints of corruption, he was almost killed in a raid because the officers that were supposed to be backing him up didn't. 

    The officers could have been covering for a VIP of some sort as well. We need only look at the situation of Joe Biden and his son Hunter to see this very thing in action. 

    If you follow Anonymous Conservative, you will know that he believes that there is a secret society ("secret combination" in the parlance of the 19th and early 20th centuries) operating in the U.S. (for my LDS readers, something akin to the Gadianton Robbers) and which protects its own including interfering in police investigations. For a fascinating read, check out his article, "On The Long Island Serial Killer, Cabal, And The Police Chief Who Didn’t Back Down" which discusses some interesting facts and coincidences concerning the Long Island Serial Killer, Joseph Brewer, including that Brewer might not have been acting alone, and the untimely death of a key witnesses. 


  1. Okay, I'll go read some AC. Like his stuff.

    1. He may very well be right about a secret combination. After all, Hoover swore up and down that there was no such thing as the mafia operating at regional or national levels all through the 1930s and '40s until Congress started holding televised hearings on the matter and the fact could no longer be hidden.


There Is A Connection Here

" Dems far outnumber conservatives in government — here’s what department is the worst "--New York Post.        At the Department ...