Monday, September 11, 2023

Never Forget

    On this date in 2001, 19 men, including 15 from Saudi Arabia, took over 4 airliners, including two which were piloted into the two main towers of the World Trade Center. All of the hijackers were Muslim. Muslims all over the world cheered and celebrated as news of the attacks spread. 

    All 265 passengers and crew on the four airliners were killed, plus approximately 2,600 killed in the World Trade Center fires and subsequent collapse and 125 killed by the lone plane that struck the Pentagon. The photograph above shows a man who leaped from one of the upper stories of the World Trade Center rather than be burned to death in the fires that resulted from the initial impact. Unknown to him or anyone else at the time, the towers would soon collapse killing everyone still in the towers. 

    The consequence of the attack was thousands of additional American lives lost and trillions of dollars spent in the subsequent Global War on Terror (GWoT) and the loss of priceless American liberties at the behest of creating a security state. Without belittling the people that died in the initial 9/11 attacks, the reality was that the attacks were not, in and of themselves, crippling to the United States. But the response to the attacks were. Never let a good crises go to waste is the motto of our ruling class and 9/11 was the best crises for them since the outbreak of WWII.

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