Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Inshallah: Floods in Libya Leaves 10,000 Missing

The Daily Mail reports that "'Catastrophic' Libya floods leave 10,000 people still missing as 'huge' final death toll in the thousands is expected after entire neighbourhoods and dams were obliterated." From the lede:

    Some 10,000 people are still missing in Libya after 'catastrophic' floods obliterated entire neighbourhoods, with officials warning the death toll is 'huge' and could end up in the thousands. 

    Mediterranean storm Daniel hit the county on Sunday night and wreaked havoc and flash flooding in towns across in eastern Libya but the worst hit was Derna, where heavy rainfall broke dams and washed away entire communities.

    There are still areas that rescuers are struggling to reach in the city and many of the thousands who are missing there are believed to have been carried away by the fast-paced and churning waters after two upstream dams burst.

    'The situation is catastrophic,' said Othman Abduljaleel, the health minister in Libya's eastern government. 'The bodies are still lying on the ground in many parts (of the city). Hospitals are filled with bodies. And there are areas we have yet to reach.'

    Authorities estimated earlier that as many as 2,000 people may have perished in Derna alone. The Ambulance and Emergency Authority, which coordinates search and rescue efforts, said about 2,300 people died in Derna but did not clarify what that figure was based on.

One has to wonder what the death toll would have been like if Libya had a functional government, instead of the mess created by the EU's and Hillary Clinton's decision to go to war there.  


  1. I'm sure that Biden's response and offer of assistance will be much quicker than in Hawaii. Biden even had an immediate response to the recent earthquake in Morocco....offering "our" assistance. One wonders why the "no comment" and almost two week wait before any serious effort was made to help our fellow Americans in Hawaii.

    1. I have two thoughts on the matter. The more simple one is that Biden and his administration simply hate America. The other, more cynical thought, is that offering assistance in Hawaii would likely encourage the commoners to keep their property, while making things tough might encourage them to sell their properties to the billionaires desperate to build on Maui.

  2. Ahhh, Leftist nation building at its finest.

    1. And I was reading in another article that the collapse of Libya was directly responsible for causing the Muslim insurgencies in Africa that has led to the recent spate of African coups. Satan wants chaos and liberals sow chaos. It's a match made in hell.


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