Wednesday, September 13, 2023

CIA Bribed Analysts To Say Covid Was Of Natural Origin

The Daily Mail reports that "CIA whistleblower claims agency 'BRIBED' their own analysts to say COVID did NOT come from Wuhan: Bombshell Republican report exposes alleged virus origins cover-up." From the article:

    A CIA whistleblower has told Congress the agency bribed its own analysts to say Covid-19 did not originate in a Wuhan lab.

    According to a veteran 'senior-level' serving agency officer, the CIA assigned seven officers to a Covid Discovery Team.

    At the end of their investigation six of the seven believed the intelligence pointed to a low-confidence assessment that Covid-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan, China.

    The seventh member, the most senior on the team, believed it evolved naturally. The other six were then given a 'significant monetary incentive to change their position,' according to the whistleblower. 

    The CIA ultimately refused to make an assessment even with low confidence.

    'Both hypotheses rely on significant assumptions or face challenges with conflicting reporting,' according to the agency. 

    The CIA denied engaging in bribery and said it would investigate the allegations. 

Now, make sure you aren't trying to drink or swallow anything as you read this next portion:

'At CIA we are committed to the highest standards of analytic rigor, integrity, and objectivity. We do not pay analysts to reach specific conclusions. We take these allegations extremely seriously and are looking into them. We will keep our Congressional oversight committees appropriately informed,' CIA director of public affairs Tammy Kupperman Thorp said in a statement. 

LOL! Says the agency that has had close ties with organized crime since its inception (including, but not limited to, assisting in the illegal drug trade) and whose rigor and objectivity gave us the fake excuses to invade Iraq. I would argue, in fact, that the very nature of intelligence work precludes CIA employees from having integrity. 

    While we are on the topic of deception and Covid, however, Western Rifle Shooters Association linked to a piece from Cattitude called "Mistakes Were Made" which details how the reaction to Covid (e.g., lockdowns) were already known to be ineffective, which naturally leads to the conclusion that what our elites are now claiming were "mistakes" were, in fact, intentional and calculated. 

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There Is A Connection Here

" Dems far outnumber conservatives in government — here’s what department is the worst "--New York Post.        At the Department ...