Monday, September 25, 2023

Nice: Cop Has Ex-Girlfriend Involuntarily Committed To Mental Hospital After They Broke Up

From the Daily Mail: "Married Pennsylvania cop Ronald Davis is charged after being filmed forcibly arresting mistress then having her committed after telling he'd 'make her look crazy' when they broke up.

    A married Pennsylvania cop is facing felony strangulation charges after being filmed forcibly arresting his mistress while trying to force her out of his trailer. 

    Ronald Keith Davis, 37, was arrested on September 21. 

    He is accused of abusing his authority to forcibly arrest girlfriend Michelle Perfanov in August after a lovers' tiff, and have her committed to a mental hospital in Williamstown, Pennsylvania. 

    Perfanov was living in his camper van at the time after a four-month romance, but the pair's relationship had disintegrated. Rather than simply break up, Davis obtained a petition to have her involuntarily committed to a mental institution. 

    On August 21, he was filmed by a colleague arresting her after chasing her down. He sat on her, lay on her and grabbed her by the legs throughout. 

The article relates that she was held at the hospital for 5 days. The officer is now facing criminal charges, but how did he get the involuntary commitment so easily? And if it is so easy to obtain an involuntary commitment order, imagine how much easier it is to get a red-flag order.


  1. Remember, you can't have a police state without police!

    1. Yup. The sheep dog works for the herdsman not the sheep.


There Is A Connection Here

" Dems far outnumber conservatives in government — here’s what department is the worst "--New York Post.        At the Department ...