Sunday, August 11, 2024

Making Bread In Austere Environments

 A good article from Apartment Prepper on the topic of “How To Make Bread When You Are Off-Grid.” After an introduction on how important bread has been historically and a brief discussion of its nutritional value, the author goes on to provide a couple of bread recipes for breads—Farinata and  Chapati—and that do not require much in the way of ingredients and can be cooked using just a skillet or grill, respectively. Farinata is a fairly simple bread using chickpea flour, although the author indicates other types of flour can be used. Chapati is a flat bread.

     Of course, if you have access to a Dutch oven or additional ingredients, you have more options (see, E.g., “Camping Bread: The Art Of Baking Campfire Bread Four Ways” from Valley Food Storage).


The Diversity Report #21

 A selection of articles showcasing the benefits of diversity, equity and inclusion:  When Muslims become a majority of the population: ...