Tuesday, August 6, 2024

VIDEO: Why Young Men Are Leaving Churches

The gist of this video is that young men are leaving churches because the churches do not stand up for them. The author notes that today's world believes it is a moral and political imperative to insult and denigrate men, but churches rarely acknowledge the problem let alone do anything to address it. The author of the video goes on to argue that it creates a trust issue. That is, men tend to trust people (or organizations) that fight for them and have their backs; and he gives examples of several social media influencers to whom young men are flocking because these influencers are willing to stand up for men. The implication from all of this is that if churches are not standing up for men, men will not trust the churches or their leaders. 

In any event, he also criticizes those churches that try to approach the issue from a "spiritual" perspective: acknowledging a problem but only offering sympathy but no real help. He likens it to a person being held down with a boot on their neck, and the church taking the position that, yes, it sucks to have the boot on your neck, but we're not going to help you (even if we could) and you just need to have a better attitude or be closer to God or have more faith.

VIDEO: "Is This Why Young Men Are LEAVING the Church?"
Effective Purpose (9 min.)


  1. That is a textbook WIIFM failure (What's In It For Me?)

    1. Yes. Not only do churches not stick up for men, but they don't provide any real world reason for men to attend. And making men feel guilty for not attending will not get a church very far.


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