Monday, August 12, 2024

VIDEO: The Truth About Tyranny According To Aristotle

I haven't read Aristotle's "Politics," but this video offers a summary of Aristotle's ideas on what is a Tyranny and why it is different from other types of government. You will probably quickly recognize that our government and most every other government in the West is already or rapidly moving toward being a tyranny, notwithstanding the pretensions of "democracy". While Aristotle explained why tyrants prefer foreigners over the native population because foreigners were more loyal to the tyrant, we must also recognize that the purpose of mass migration today is to completely dissolve the idea of nations and independent states, including borders. 

 VIDEO: "The Timeless Truth About Tyranny According to Aristotle"
Legendary Lore (13 min.)

On a related note, see "Britain Is Now a Totalitarian State" at PJ Media. The article begins:

We can safely declare, without exaggeration or hyperbole, that Britain is now a totalitarian state. The ruling machine may not yet have the absolute control that Stalin did, but it's not for lack of trying. The British government's hysterical Chicken Little response to online support for this past week's rioting is proof enough for anyone paying attention that it attaches no value whatsoever to Western principles like freedom of speech and freedom of conscience.

Worse, the British government seeks to impose this tyranny overseas, as "Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News that if you post commentary online that doesn't comply with British law, they'll seek your arrest whether your are in England or 'further afield online.'" And in the same vein:

British government prosecutor Stephen Parkinson threatened social media influencers overseas for "playing a role in the violent disorder," yapping that they "must know that they are not safe and there is nowhere to hide." Continuing, he said, "Some people are abroad. That doesn't mean they're safe." He continued that "we would certainly consider extradition" if he deemed British law had been broken.

The author also remarks:

    The dictatorial drive being pursued by the British ruling class doesn't fall neatly into a category that Hannah Arendt would recognize as totalitarian. This is because none of the typical totalitarian movements (communism, socialism, fascism, Nazism, and Islamism) are suicidal in nature. Meaning, each of these movements attempts to use the state to strengthen the ideology, or to use the ideology to strengthen the state.

    But the British totalitarian state is different. Its goal is to weaken the British state by strengthening the ideology. What defines the parameters of that ideology is anyone's guess, as I doubt even its proponents could clearly explain it for inquiring minds. It seems to be a contradictory mix of pseudo-Marxism, nanny statism, multiculturalism grounded in misplaced guilt, and the managed decline of both national regeneration and national will that is the inevitable result of each of the preceding factors.

    In other words, we now have a new totalitarianism with a new ideology, one based not on class, race, nation, or religion. Or rather, at least not its own. It's more of an ideological vacuum, nihilistic in nature, and its goal is the intentional dissolution of itself.

But this misses the point that under the religion of Marxism--which is a religion that seeks to replace God and make a "heaven on earth"--nations and national borders must be dissolved in order to completely remake society from the individual person on up. Because the focus of the revolution is on the West, it must first deconstruct the West; and a big part of this effort is using the West's propensity toward guilt as a weapon by blaming the West for the ills of the world. That is the basis behind Critical Race Theory (blaming the ills of the world on white racism), Critical Colonialism Theory (blaming the ills of the world on Western colonialism and trade) and Critical Feminist Theory (blaming the ills of the world on the patriarchy of white men). Next up will be Critical Immigration Theory which will argue for the complete negation of Western borders and states by using mass illegal immigration to attack National Citizenship and National Sovereignty with the eventual goal of one world and one government (see the video below).

VIDEO: "What Is Critical Immigration Theory?"
PragerU (6 min.)


  1. England has lost the plot - the Second protects the First.

    1. England, flush with victory over the Axis powers, decided to become like the Axis powers. It started with the nationalization of industry and is now at the nationalization of the person.


Weekend Reading

 First up, although I'm several days late on this, Jon Low posted a new Defensive Pistolcraft newsletter on 12/15/2024 . He includes thi...