Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Most Common Mistake Of TRAINED People In A Street Fight

This video will disappoint everyone that is a fan of the Sherlock Holmes movies featuring Robert Downey Jr. because what the Sherlock Holmes character did in a fight is the exact opposite of what is best practices as discussed in the video.

    Dr. Mark Phillips argues that the biggest mistake that trained people make in a street fight is to enter the fray with a plan: that is, they go into a fight with the plan that they will do A and the opponent will react by doing X, then they will do B and the opponent will do Y, and so on. As he notes, the opponent will never (rarely?) do what you want them to do. Rather, Phillips suggest focusing on strategy, by which he means focusing on (i) position, (ii) control of space, and (iii) efficiency of movement. 

Fight SCIENCE (5 min.)

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Bombs & Bants Episode 143 (Streameed 9/18/2024)

 “You fool, Warren is DEAD!” Oh, sorry, wrong podcast. Door slams.  VIDEO: Bombs & Bants Episode 143 (53 min.)