Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Great Replacement: Biden Tells Democrats To Treat Future White Minority With Respect

From Breitbart: "Joe Biden Tells Democrats to Treat Future White Minority ‘with Respect’":

    European-origin Americans deserve respect even after they become a minority in the United States, President Joe Biden told a friendly interviewer in an October 1 interview.

    “We’re going to be — very shortly — a minority-white European country, and sometimes my [Democrat] colleagues don’t speak enough to make it clear that that is not going to change how we operate,” he told the progressive billionaire-funded ProPublica website.

    Democrats must treat white Americans with respect, as they and their children quickly become a racial minority in their own nation, Biden insisted, saying:

It’s not so much the economic benefits; it is treating them with respect, treating them with respect. … The Democratic Party in the past has — on occasion — spoken less to their needs and fears or concerns. And so, I think a lot of the guys that I grew up with in Delaware and in Scranton, Pennsylvania, they feel like they’re not being respected. Not so much by policy — just by the failure to talk about their needs.

 I guess he wants future Democrats to respectfully ask the remaining whites to get into the cattle cars. 


  1. It is probably beginning to dawn on the Bolsheviks that the brown hoards won't be able to maintain the FUSA's infrastructure and that they need to keep White people around to maintain it.

    1. If a Leftist had that thought, it would bread more resentment rather than retrospection. No, Biden (or his puppet masters) realize that the day will soon come when they will be able to radicalize whites the same way they have other ethnic groups so they can better play the groups off one another.

  2. Be polite when you ask them to be genocided.

    1. Leftists may individually be polite, but never as a group. They mocked the Tea Party for its politeness and civility.


Bombs & Bants Episode 143 (Streameed 9/18/2024)

 “You fool, Warren is DEAD!” Oh, sorry, wrong podcast. Door slams.  VIDEO: Bombs & Bants Episode 143 (53 min.)