Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Mark of the Beast Update: Kuwait Bars Financial Services For Unregistered

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Rev. 13: 16-17.

Vox Popoli noted a piece from Armstrong Economic entitled: "Kuwait Suspends Services to Thousands for Failing to Submit Biometric Data." The key part:

    Kuwait has forced over one million citizens to hand over their biometric data in one of the most extreme pushes for digital ID. Kuwait introduced a national electronic ID (eID) that they say will assist with identification verification, digital signatures, E-government access, and the secure exchange of data. The deadline to file for this mandatory program was September 30 and the consequences for failing to comply were swift.

    On October 1, the Ministry of Interior announced that those who failed to submit their data would be prohibited from all electronic services such as withdrawals, transfers, and account transfers. One cannot even withdraw cash. Around 35,000 people have been blocked out of their bank accounts and are unable to even view the balance. A few weeks later, those in noncompliance has their electronic bank cards deactivated. Visa, MasterCard, and K-Net all abided by the government’s rule.

    Beginning on November 1, The Kuwait Banking Association stated it will implement a “complete block” on all accounts, which means one cannot even withdraw funds if they go to the bank in person. Expatriates have until December 31 to submit their biometric registration.

The "no man might buy or sell" part is coming along smoothly. 

    Vox Day adds: "Notice that there isn’t one word of protest out of all the organizations that profess to be dedicated to human liberty, democracy, and the will of the people." Of course there has been no opposition or protest. There is nothing to preclude the Antichrist system from preceding the Antichrist.


Cosmetic Surgery To Change Eye Color

 I came across this article at the New York Post: " Doctor charges $6K per eye to change eye color forever: ‘This is scarier than any h...