Friday, October 4, 2024

Biden Warns Election May Be Violent

From the New York Post

    President Biden suggested Friday that next month’s election may not be peaceable, as he made his first White House briefing room appearance since taking office — and continued a lame-duck explosion in his press availability after years of shunning interviews and news conferences.

    “I’m confident it will be free and fair. I don’t know whether it will be peaceful,” the retiring 81-year-old president said during his surprise 15-minute appearance in response to a question from National Public Radio’s Tamara Keith.

In another act of projection, Biden suggests that the violence may come from Republicans that don't accept the outcome of the election.


  1. If they wanted, the Democrats could gracefully accept a Trump win, but they won't. That is why there will be violence.

    1. If the Democrats would allow fair and honest elections, they wouldn't have to fear violence.

  2. The good news is that he also doesn't know what day it is . . . .

  3. I staunchly support, and very strongly recommend, a policy of no violence. If, however, violence is what they want they should, first, be absolutely sure they do, indeed, want violence, and secondly, be prepared for the consequences. The attitude in a great many parts of the country is not conducive to half measures.

    1. The Left miscast a protest as an insurrection in order to vilify Trump supporters. They will do it again if they can. If they do engage in violence and conservatives respond, the facts will be twisted to make conservatives look like the aggressors. They have to be caught in something so flagrant that there is no way to cover it up or excuse it.


Cosmetic Surgery To Change Eye Color

 I came across this article at the New York Post: " Doctor charges $6K per eye to change eye color forever: ‘This is scarier than any h...