Friday, October 4, 2024

Longshoreman Strike Paused Until After Election

The longshoremen strike along the East Coast and Gulf Coast has been suspended until January 15, 2025, after the union accepted a deal that would give the longshoremen a 62% raise in wages over the life of the 6-year contract. The agreement does not resolve the dispute over possible automation of loading/unloading of freight. 

Give you a bit more time to further stock up on essentials.


  1. I despise labor unions. If I were in charge I'd fire them all and send in military personnel to operate the docks temporarily. Surely there are MOS's which operate similar equipment and move large amounts of materials. Surely there are plenty of undocumented immigrants who possess the necessary skills to do the job and would gladly do it for less compensation. As for the January 15th what point can we say NO...if we give them an inch they'll want a mile. What is to prevent them from doing this every year?

  2. I guess a few words in the right ear . . .


Cosmetic Surgery To Change Eye Color

 I came across this article at the New York Post: " Doctor charges $6K per eye to change eye color forever: ‘This is scarier than any h...