Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Heh: "Non-Binary" Men Take Over Women's Tech Conference

Rule No. 4 of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals is "Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. 'You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.'" Which brings me to this story from Twitchy: "'We can't have anything': Men take over women's tech conference claiming to be nonbinary and its AWESOME." 

    The key argument of the trans/gender queer movement for nearly a decade now has been, a person is whatever they identify as.

    A transwoman is a woman, right?

    Well, a bunch of men, assumed to be gender typical by bigots, most likely, decided to exercise their rights and attend a 'women in tech' conference claiming to be nonbinary.

    The reaction is just too delicious.

Read the whole thing. I will provide this trigger warning, however: it involves a lot of upset women mis-gendering some of the attendees and claiming that they aren't real trannies. 

1 comment:

Most Centenarians Are Dead

I saw this the other day at the Asahi Shimbun: " Japan’s centenarian population hits new record high. " From the article:      As ...