Thursday, March 28, 2024

Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About The Baltimore Bridge Collapse

In this video, Paul Joseph Watson points out why some of the conspiracy theories concerning the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore are certainly wrong. The probable explanation is much more mundane and pernicious: "wokeness" and DEI. The ship, according to the video, was crewed by Indians; the company that operated the ship has been pushing its DEI creds; and the Port Authority which provided the pilot is run by people of whom some appear "didn't earn it".

Paul Joseph Watson (9 min.)


  1. Another odd twist is Mitch McConnells sister-in-law who backed into a pond on a large estate and drowned was the CEO of the shipping company.


PJ Media: "How 'Woke' Social Conditioning Almost Cost My Friend His Life ..."

I've mentioned before that because black males have a much, much greater propensity to commit violent crime, one should exercise a corre...