Monday, May 6, 2024

Drawing A Pistol With The Weak-Hand

I've seen a lot of ink spilled over the topic of eye dominance when shooting and the related topics of whether you should shoot with both eyes open. In his most recent Defensive Pistolcraft newsletter, Jon Low includes the following concerning drawing single-handed with the off-side (weak-side) hand (parenthesis and brackets in original):

     Lots of classes train one handed shooting.  Not many teach one handed drawing.  You've got to get the pistol out of your holster before you can shoot it.  Lots of techniques.  Do you know any?  

     Support side hand only presentation from the holster to the target (very difficult, if not impossible with a retention holster, that’s why we don’t recommend retention holsters for concealed carry).  

     First technique, reaching behind your back.  Difficult if your holster holds your pistol with a forward cant.  This is the preferred method, because you establish the high tight grip while the pistol is still in the holster, and you keep the pistol away from the bad guy.  [This is a real-world technique.  This violates NRA and IDPA safety rules.]  

     Second technique, reaching across your front, twist your hand so that your thumb is pointing forward (yes, there actually are people who can do this, mostly young kids, maybe you too) establish a high tight grip.  [Thanks to Sorrel Schwartz.]  (If you can't do this, start practicing your stretching exercises a month before the course.  Support side hand outstretched in front of you.  Palm facing forward.  Fingers pointed down.  Thumb pointed outboard.  Firing side hand grabs the support side fingers and pulls them toward you.  Firing side thumb against the support side wrist, rotate the support side fingers inboard.)  

     Third technique, reaching across your front, turn the pistol around in the holster and establish a high tight grip.  [Do not use this technique with a Blackhawk SERPA holster.  The pistol may get stuck in the holster.]  This is the technique taught at FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Charleston, SC [there are several FLETCs]).  That’s why FLETC forbids the SERPA holster.  

     Fourth technique, reaching across your front, trap the pistol between your knees, and establishing a high tight grip.  This technique immobilizes you.  

     Fifth technique, reaching across your front, establish an upside-down grip with your little finger in the register position.  Muzzle awareness!  When on target, use your little finger to press the trigger for a surprise break.  This technique is faster because you are not turning the pistol around, but trigger control and grip suffer, and it is difficult to avoid sweeping the area around you.  [This technique was demonstrated in a course called “Semi-Auto Pistol Level 2” at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center.]  (Thanks to GySgt. Robert Shuman.)  

     We prefer the first or second technique because you’ve established the high tight grip while the pistol is still in the holster.  You can’t use the first technique if you’ve got a big backpack on or if you’re sitting with your back against something.  You may not be able to use the second, third, fourth, and fifth techniques if you’ve got a big belly, as when you are pregnant.  

There are a lot more links, tips and comments in the newsletter, so be sure to check out the whole thing.

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