Monday, September 16, 2024

TSA Warns Of Rise In Passengers Trying To Carry "Cat's Eyes" Onto Planes

One of the consequences of the constant effort to disarm Americans so that they are helpless in the face of a terrorist or other violent criminal is an arms race to develop defensive tools that might get through a security checkpoint and into a non-permissive environment. And thus this recent headline from the Daily Mail: "What are 'cat eyes'? TSA issues urgent warning over surge in passengers carrying banned items." The article describes them as follows:

    Cat eyes are self-defense weapons similar to brass knuckles, but have pointed edges shaped like a cat's ears.

    The user slips two of their fingers through two holes - the eyes - then close their fists so the sharp
[sic: pointy] edges [the ears] are sticking out. This allows the person to slash at others with a punch.

Basically, the "ears" of the cat head shape act like spikes on a knuckleduster, but the device has the overall appearance of a cute cat's head. And the TSA does not like them because an increasing number of people are trying to sneak them through airport security. 

    The TSA has been aware of the proliferation of cat eyes since last year, when the agency amended a rule to classify cat eyes as a type of brass knuckle.

    Brass knuckles, like cat eyes, are not allowed in carry-on bags but can be stowed away in checked bags.

    If a passenger is found to have cat eyes in their bag at a security line, officers will pull them aside and search their bags.

    They can either return the weapon to their car, hand it off to someone that isn't traveling with them or hand it over to an agent so it can be disposed.

John Wilder Talks Color Revolutions and the United States

 His post is "Are We In The Middle Of A Planned Revolution? Yes." He covers the basics of color revolutions and why he things are are in the middle of one.

Another Attempted Trump Assassination

What with the Emmy Awards this weekend, many of you might not have heard that there was a second assassination attempt on former president Trump. (I'm just joking--I didn't know about the Emmy Awards on Sunday until I was catching up on some headlines and, frankly, wonder how many people even care). 

    As you probably heard, a devoted Democrat and confirmed globalist, Ryan Routh, was waiting in ambush to shoot Trump as the candidate was golfing at his Trump International Golf Club in Florida. Initial reports apparently were that there had been a shooting near the golf course but unrelated to Trump. Now we are told that Routh, a convicted felon, had been hiding out anywhere from 300 to 500 yards from where Trump was playing when a Secret Service Agent spotted him and engaged him with gun fire. (Routh, fortunately, seems to have had lousy fieldcraft). Routh fled the scene, leaving behind a scoped AK style rifle, body armor, and a Go Pro camera. Routh was arrested shortly thereafter.

    There are a few questions about all of this, including the biggie: how Routh knew that Trump would be golfing at that particular time and place. Some have suggested that the information was leaked to him. Maybe someone who does not want to see peace in Ukraine. Of course, Routh might have just hung out there every weekend hoping for a shot. I would also like to know if he had ties to Leftist groups. The public might have been able to discover the answers, but Routh's X account was quickly taken down and his Facebook account was scrubbed.

    But because of the hubbub over this, one thing you might not have heard about is that the affidavit of an ABC News whistleblower was released and shows that the Harris Campaign was exercising considerable control over the debate, including requiring live "fact checking" of Trump (which is why only Trump was being "fact checked" and not Harris). 

    But back to the second assassination attempt. Anonymous Conservative has collected links and is probably the best source for additional information I've come across (see his daily news brief for today and his post, "Another Trump Assassination Attempt, Trump Is Safe And Unharmed"). And some more article:

Friday, September 13, 2024

World War III Before Christmas?

The New York Post notes that "Even Democrats want Harris-Biden to end their cowardice and remove Ukraine’s handcuffs." I laughed a bit at the "Even..." part since, historically, Democrat controlled administrations (e.g., Wilson, FDR, Kennedy/Johnson) are far more eager to get us involved in major conflicts than Republicans.

    Apparently upset that they haven't yet gotten the U.S. embroiled in a world war, "[o]n Wednesday, Democratic Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Ben Cardin declared the 'time has come' for easing Harris-Biden restrictions on Kyiv’s use of US weapons, given 'Vladimir Putin’s relentless attacks on Ukrainian civilians.'" But the editorial board also mentions that "[a] bipartisan House group issued similar calls: 'Unless these restrictions are lifted, Ukraine will continue to struggle to achieve victory' and Ukrainians will 'suffer unnecessary death, loss and hardship,' they said." 

    Not to sound harsh, but so what? Do you think that Ukrainian president Zelenskyy cares if he gets the U.S. dragged into a world war--perhaps a nuclear conflict resulting in tens of millions dead--so long as it helps him or his country? As Charles de Gaulle noted, "Countries don't have friends, only interests." 

    The hot issue right now is that Ukraine wants to be able to use Western supplied missiles against targets deep inside Russia. Ukraine's interest in using U.S. or U.K. supplied long range missiles is apparent: "Ukraine sees the ability to use long-range missiles behind enemy lines as a game-changer," reports ABC News, "allowing it to target air bases, supply depots, and communication centers hundreds of kilometers (miles) over the border.

    It argues that this would help reduce Russia’s air superiority and weaken supply lines needed to launch daily airstrikes against Ukraine – with drones, missiles, and powerful glide bombs – and to sustain its military ground offensive into Ukraine. 

    With winter likely to slow that advance, long-range air strike capabilities will become a higher priority. Kyiv wants to go back on the offensive to offset military manpower shortages 2½ years into the war and to protect its badly-damaged power infrastructure. 

It's debatable how effective the missiles would be since, as the BBC notes:

    ... Kyiv has been asking to use long-range Western missiles inside Russia for so long now that Moscow has already taken precautions for the eventuality of the restrictions being lifted.

    It has moved bombers, missiles and some of the infrastructure that maintains them further back, away from the border with Ukraine and beyond the range of
[the Anglo-French] Storm Shadow [missiles].

    But what overwhelming interest does the United States have in Ukraine that is worth the risk of a nuclear war? 

    I don't buy the excuse that it is needed to curb Russian expansionism. Even if you accept that Russia is interested in expansion, the fact of the matter is that Russia can barely wage a war against Ukraine on its very borders. What makes anyone think it could wage a successful war against NATO? 

    And arguments that it helps strengthen us against China are ludicrous. It's like arguing that pumping up your front tire will keep the back from going flat. China's role both as a consumer of Russian exports and in supplying goods and materials to Russia is not weakening China, but strengthening it--especially in its influence over Russia. 

    So what is the U.S. or NATO interest in Ukraine? That our politicians' corruption and bribery not be exposed? That secret biolabs not be revealed? That our "strategic thinkers" not be revealed as empty suits? That certain corporations see record profits selling weapons? What compelling interest do we have in continually upping the ante?

    And lest you think that there will be no consequences, Russian president Putin raises a good point about when a proxy war ceases to be a proxy war and become a direct conflict. As CNN reports:

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned NATO alliance leaders that a move to lift restrictions on Ukraine’s use of longer-range Western missiles to strike deep inside his country would be considered an act of war.

    “This will mean that NATO countries – the United States and European countries – are at war with Russia. And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the essence of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions in response to the threats that will be posed to us,” Putin told reporters on Thursday. 

And, pulling from a lengthier quote in a Vox Day piece:

    “There is an attempt to substitute concepts. Because we are not talking about allowing or prohibiting the Kiev regime to strike at Russian territory. It is already striking with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles and other means. But when it comes to using high–precision long-range Western-made weapons, it’s a completely different story. The fact is that, as I have already said, and any experts will confirm this (both here and in the West), the Ukrainian army is not able to strike with modern high-precision long-range systems of Western production. It can’t do that. This is possible only with the use of satellite data, which Ukraine does not have — this is data only from satellites of either the European Union or the United States, in general, from NATO satellites. This is the first one.

    “The second, and very important, perhaps key, is that flight missions to these missile systems can, in fact, only be carried out by military personnel of NATO countries. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this. And therefore, it is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not to allow it. It’s about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict or not. If this decision is made, it will mean nothing more than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, and European countries in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct involvement.

    “And this, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict. This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are at war with Russia. And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created to us.”

    Those bleating about supporting Ukraine have no winning strategy.  Rather, the strategy at this point seems to be to keep Ukraine supplied with enough war materials (and cash to line the pockets of its oligarchs) to be a constant thorn in the side of Russia. And that would work if we were discussing fairly equally matched countries. But even with Western support, Ukraine lacks the resources--manpower, manufacturing--to maintain a stalemate, let alone defeat Russia. Rather, its resources are declining. The result is that in order to even maintain a stalemate, the West must continually enlarge and expand the aid it provides. 

    But, as Putin is warning, that expansion of aid and assistance will at some point cross a threshold where it is no longer a proxy war. Perhaps it will be enough that the West will be providing the weapons, manning the weapons, and targeting the weapons, as Putin alleges. Perhaps it will not come until a missile strikes a civilian target, whether by mistake or otherwise, and the Russian people (and Putin's rivals) scream for blood. 

    So what do you think? Will we see World War III before Christmas?

VIDEO: The Most Hazardous Person At The Gun Range

A video from the TUCOtheratt YouTube channel discusses another's YouTuber's admission of a negligent discharge and range safety in general. His contention is that the most hazardous people at gun ranges are those that are arrogant about their safety to the point that they are complacent.

VIDEO: "Who Is The Most Hazardous Person On The Gun Range?"
TUCOtheratt (10 min.)

And here is the link to the video from YouTuber Levi Perry (discussed in the TUCOtheratt video, above) on "Why I got 4 months of nonreporting probation last year" after a negligent discharge in his apartment .

    And yet luck still plays a role. I've noticed that sometimes the most hazardous people just get lucky and never have an accident that hurts people. For instance, I knew a guy that was the type to pull a loaded handgun (i.e., with a round chambered) out of his pocket in a room full of people and just start waving it around without any regard to where it was pointing in order to show off a new laser or new grips. Yet, to the best of my memory, he never had a negligent discharge.

Bombs & Bants Episode 142

 And we'll have fun, fun, fun, until YouTube takes our account away....

VIDEO: "Bombs & Bants Episode 142" (41 min.)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

John Taylor's Vision Of The Destruction of America

Similar to a post a few weeks ago concerning a vision from George Albert Smith, here is another vision--this time from John Taylor--involving the last days and the destruction of the United States. (Actually the first 8-1/2 minutes is the vision/dream in question, and the rest of the video is of something else). Unlike the prior video, however, where the vision was poorly documented, this one has been better documented and I've posted about it before. Nevertheless, this vision has never received any official sanction, so you must decide for yourself whether it was truly a vision or merely a dream....

VIDEO: "John Taylor's Visions of the Days Prior to the Return of Jesus Christ."
The Words of Christ (13 min.)

Monday, September 9, 2024

VIDEO: "The Curious Case of the 'Hyper Gray Man'"

Some humor at the expense of those who take the "gray man" concept a bit too far.

VIDEO: "The Curious Case of The 'Hyper Gray Man'..."--Tenicor (6 min.)

Is Your Pistol Oven Safe?

"Handgun forgotten inside oven fires off multiple rounds in Virginia home after overheating," reports the New York Post. From the article:

    The department said that firefighters responded to a house fire Thursday evening after the homeowner reported that the home’s oven had exploded.

    Upon arrival at the residence, firefighters opened the oven and found a gun melted to the steel grates.

    “It turns out, someone turned the oven on with the gun inside, the weapon heated up, and five rounds went off,” Chesterfield Fire and EMS wrote.

The article also notes that "[b]ullets [sic] need to reach around 400 degrees before they can spontaneously discharge on their own, according to Online Texas LTC, a firearms training course."

    Looking at the photograph of the pistol melted to the oven rack, it appears to be a Sig P320.

Decrypting Second Coming Timing

 Another video from Gospel Lessons, this one going over some common misunderstandings of the timing of the Second Coming (when Christ returns in his full glory):

VIDEO: "Decrypting"--Gospel Lessons (14 min.)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Florida Deputy's Duty Sidearm Found, Sold By Criminals Online

From The Truth About Guns, "Florida Deputy’s Sig P320 Sold For $40 On Cash App After Being Found In Restroom." Not only was it found by a member of the public, but it was found by a convicted felon out on probation. The article relates:

    ... Stopping to answer nature’s call at around 5:30 p.m. on a Thursday, the Florida cop shed layers of his gear, including a bulletproof vest and gun belt, before taking the proverbial throne.

    An affidavit reports that the gun slipped unnoticed from his holster at some point during the deed, and it was only after departing to a call that the deputy discovered his firearm was missing, prompting him to rush back to the store as if to handle unfinished business.

I have a hard time believing that it fell out of the deputy's holster because of the various retention features on police duty holsters.

New Weekend Knowledge Dump From Greg Ellifritz

 Greg Ellifritz has published a new Weekend Knowledge Dump. Some highlights:

    There is a nice selection of articles for revolver shooters including:

  • Claude Werner's course outline for his "Teaching the Snub Nosed Revolver" (including links to targets and the LAPD qualification manual used as part of the course).
  • A comparison and test of several speed loader designs from HKS, Safariland, 5 Star, Pachmayr, Maxfire, and Speedbeez. The author tested not just speed of reloading, but how well (strongly) they held the cartridges. 
  • An article on sight regulation and point of impact, or why does my revolver have such a tall front sight post?
  • A link to an article discussing carrying 5 or 6 rounds in a old 6-shooter (note: typically with the old SAA and similar firearms, the chamber under the firing pin was left empty to avoid an accidental discharge because there was nothing keeping the firing pin from resting on the primer--and this was a habit that carried forward for many decades even after the introduction of design features to prevent such problems). 
  • And a link to the Revolver Guy's test of a grip from a Taurus snubby on a S&W J-frame.

There are, of course, a bunch of other articles that will be of interest to the defensive shooter. One I want to emphasize is an article at Outside Magazine on the efficacy of bear spray versus using firearms. The author of what are probably considered the seminal studies on bear defense using spray and bear defense using firearms points that the two studies cannot compared to one another because the criteria were so different. For instance, the bear spray study mostly involved the use of bear spray to drive off bear that were curious or had gotten too close, not bears attacking victims; whereas, a substantial number of firearms incidents studied involved bear attacks. Also, the gun study didn't include the majority of bear attacks in Alaska because it did not include the Alaska Defense of Life and Property (DLP) records. In addition, the article relates: "The point of 'Efficacy of Firearms' wasn’t to arrive at a conclusion on whether or not firearms work but, rather, to analyze the reasons why they didn’t—'poor aim, no time to use them, jammed, etc.,' elaborates Smith." 

    Another interesting point from the article is that bear spray is less effective against black bears (which are responsible for the majority of bear attacks) than brown bears.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Shooting Suspect's Father Arrested, Charged With Murder

Colt Gray's father, Colin Gray, has been arrested and is being charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children. This is based on allegations that the father knowingly provided the AR style rifle to his son. As you may have read or heard already, Colt Gray had been investigated last year for supposedly making online threats of a school shooting culminating in an interview between local sheriff's deputies and both Colt Gray and his father. Nevertheless, the father apparently gave Colt Gray an AR rifle in December 2023 as a present. Authorities believe it is this rifle that was used in the shooting.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Mug Shot of Georgia Shooter Released

 From the New York Post: "Pictured: Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray, 14, seen in mug shot as aunt says he was ‘begging for help’." 

Quite a different appearance from a 2022 photo in also in the article. No surprise, the aunt of the shooter, Colt Gray, "said he had been struggling with his mental health prior to the shooting." Of course the liberals, like Kamala Harris, don't care about the mental health crises among boys and young men, but are only concerned about pushing gun control.

VIDEO: "Snow Woke And The Poisoned Apple"

A humorous mashup of the upcoming "Not-White" movie from Disney and an iconic scene from Lord of the Rings:

VIDEO: "Snow Woke and the Poisoned Apple"--Beanie Bros (1 min.)

Bombs & Bants #141 (Streamed 9/4/2024)

 Another irreverent look at current events...

VIDEO: "Bombs & Bants #141" (52 min.)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

RIP Paul Harrell

Source: Found on Reddit

I've been a long time fan of Paul Harrell's YouTube channel. Of course I knew of his cancer diagnosis, but was nevertheless surprised and saddened to hear that he had passed away. I saw the "I'm Dead" video yesterday evening, about 45 minutes after it was released and before I even saw the update video from his brother released a couple hours earlier. It is both interesting and gratifying that Paul's death has received some wider media attention (see, e.g., "YouTuber and guns rights activist Paul Harrell announces his own death: ‘If you’re watching me, I’m dead’"--New York Post; "‘If You’re Watching Me, I’m Dead’: Popular Firearms Expert And YouTuber Paul Harrell Dies At 58"--Daily Caller). His brother Roy and his editor hope to continue the channel.

This Is The Way: EEOC Complaint Filed Against Williams-Sonoma For DEI Hiring/Promotions

America First Legal (AFL) has filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against San Francisco based Willaims-Sonoma for illegal discrimination by using race, nationality, and sex as factors in hiring and promotion decisions, or in awarding contracts to outside companies, in accordance with the Company's DEI policies. Specifically, AFL contends that Williams-Sonoma gives preferences to women and people of color when making employment decisions. The article relates that:

    The company's recent annual report boasts that an aggressive DEI push has led to women making up 68 percent of its workforce, and with 41 percent hailing from an 'ethnic minority group.'

    The same goes for the leadership of the company, which is headed by the $24 million-a-year CEO Laura Alber — 57 percent of board members are women, and 29 percent are classed as 'diverse.'

    In other filings, the company says it is working at 'increasing black representation across our company,' as well as in deciding upon which vendors to award contracts.

This seems like a slam dunk case of discrimination although I doubt that the EEOC will take any action. But you have to jump through the hoops.

Something To Keep In Mind When Forced To Use A Paper Straw

The Daily Mail reports on the top 10 countries responsible for plastic pollution. Notwithstanding what the liers on the Left say, not a single Western country is among the top 10. Rather, the top 10 are:

  1. India
  2. Nigeria
  3. Indonesia
  4. China
  5. Pakistan
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Russia
  8. Brazil
  9. Thailand
  10. Democratic Republic of Congo

The Enrichment Report #4

A selection of articles demonstrating how countries, local communities, individuals and businesses benefit from immigration and diversity:

  •  "Las Vegas Teen Converts to Islam, and Guess What He Did Next"--PJ Media. Per the article, "Las Vegas’ KLAS reported Thursday that Joshua Robles, 16, has been 'accused of plotting an ISIS-inspired terror attack.'" He apparently was caught building pressure cooker bombs similar to those used in the Boston Marathon attack. 
  • "Colorado Gun Stores Block Robberies by Minors Pushed by Migrant Gangs"--Breitbart. The article relates that "[m]igrant gangs in Colorado have robbed eight gun stores using children between the ages of 12 and 17 to commit the crimes, but some of the attacks have not gone as planned thanks to proactive measures put in place by shop owners." According to the article, the gangs' MO is to ram a car through the front doors of a gun store, and then steel weapons and ammunition. Gun store owners have responded by making sure that most of the firearms are locked up in gun vaults at night and strengthening the entrances--for instance, one shop built a double entrance so that while the vehicle was able to crash through the first set of doors, it was not able to breach the second set.
  • "Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist"--Westward. Sabo strikes again, mocking leftist over their open border policies. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The 50/200 Yard Zero For .223 And .308

 A good article at Ammo Land on the "50/200 Yard Zero Simplified for 5.56 and .308 Rifles." The basic idea of this zero is that if you zero at 50 yards, the bullet should pass back through the zero again at 200 yards. "This means," the article explains, "that within this distance, your point of aim and point of impact will be very close, minimizing the need for adjustments. This is particularly advantageous in dynamic situations where quick target acquisition is crucial." 

    The article describes the advantages to the 50/200 zero over other commons distances used for zeroing a scope, and goes through the process of zeroing the rifle for 50/200 even if you do not have a 200 yard range. Part of this includes bore sighting the rifle at 10 yards, and the article includes a link to a sight used for bore sighting at that range. 

    Finally, the article discusses the ballistics in more detail as well as pros and cons with the 50/200 zero.

New Evidence Concerning the Shroud of Turin

Carbon-14 dating performed in the 1980s of the Shroud of Turin--believed by some to be the cloth in which Christ was wrapped when he was interred after his death and later resurrected--supposedly showed that the Shroud only dated back to the Middle-Ages. However, there have long been suspicions about the dating because the results of the three tests conducted varied one from another, suggesting that the samples were contaminated, which would make the cloth appear younger than it actually was--not an unlikely assumption since the Shroud had been displayed and handled in environments where it was exposed to contamination and it had been repaired at times.

    Last month, a team of researchers using a new dating technique released findings showing that the Shroud is indeed 2,000 years old. Per a Daily Mail article:

    For the new study, scientists at Italy's Institute of Crystallography of the National Research Council conducted a recent study using wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS).

    The technique measures the natural aging of flax cellulose and converts it to time since manufacture.

    The team studied eight small samples of fabric from the Shroud of Turin, putting them under an X-ray to uncover tiny details of the linen's structure and cellulose patterns.

    Cellulose is made up of long chains of sugar molecules linked together that break over time, showing how long a garment or cloth has been around.

    To date the shroud, the team used specific aging parameters, including temperature and humidity, which cause significant breakdown of cellulose.

    Based on the amount of breakdown, the team determined that the shroud of Turin was likely kept at temperatures at about 72.5 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of around 55 percent for about 13 centuries before it arrived in Europe.

    If it had been kept in different conditions, the aging would be different.

    Researchers then compared the cellulose breakdown in the shroud to other linens found in Israel that date back to the first century.

    'The data profiles were fully compatible with analogous measurements obtained on a linen sample whose dating, according to historical records, is 55-74 AD, found at Masada, Israel [Herod's famous fortress built on a limestone bedrock overlooking the Dead Sea],' reads the study published in the journal Heritage.

    The team also compared the shroud with samples from linens manufactured between 1260 and 1390 AD, finding none were a match. 

Another team, also last month, released the results of their examination of samples from the Shroud showing that there was blood on the Shroud (not paints or dies as often claimed by unbelievers) as well as chemicals (creatine) indicating the blood came from someone that had suffered severe physical trauma

    Consequently, scientists involved in the more recent research believe there is enough evidence to warrant a more detailed examination of the Shroud.

New Newsletter from Defensive Pistolcraft

Jon Low released a new Defensive Pistolcraft newsletter this past week. As always, it is chock full of links, advice, and tips, but here are a few things that jumped out at me:

  • First up, Jon  attended the "Active Shooter Response" training at Royal Range in Nashville, TN, and offers up some notes and key points from that training. While it is obviously aimed at people providing security, many of the points are also going to apply to the average armed civilian including the following:
     Are you competent to distinguish the bad guys from the good guys from the innocent bystanders in a chaotic high stress environment?  Is your vision good enough?  Do you need glasses?  Do you actually wear the glasses that you need?  (If your eyes are bad, get a red dot sight.)  Is your hearing good enough?  Do you need hearing aids?  Do you actually wear your hearing aids?  Can you hear the person screaming at you, "Don't shoot him!  He's the good guy!"  Because he is holding the bad guy at gun point.  
     Can you run 100 yards from where you are to where the kids are being shot, fast enough to save lives?  (Or is everyone going to be dead by the time you get there?) Are you physically fit?  Are you going to arrive on scene, only to have a heart attack and die?  When you arrive on scene gasping for air, with elevated pulse rate, will you be able to distinguish between shoot and no-shoot targets, and apply accurate fire?  [This was part of the live fire exercise.]  This is a crowded school, so every miss is killing a child.  
     Are you willing to kill bad guys?  How do you know?  Have you ever killed before? Even if you have, will you be willing to kill in the future?  One of the bad guys shooting kids in the building was a young white pregnant female.  Several of the armed guards did not shoot her (so she shot and killed them).  Several armed guards hesitated to shoot her (so she got off a few shots, and probably killed them, before they killed her).  I admit, I shot her immediately upon seeing the gun in her hand.  I guess that says something about me.  [This was part of the Simunitions exercise.]  
He has more from the class if this topic interests you.
  • Jon links to an article by George Harris on dry fire practice, but adds the following: 

     Try this dry (otherwise you won't notice what we're looking for).  Rapid fire at a target in a quiet place with no distractions.  Hold the sights on the target and rapidly press and release the trigger.  What do you notice?  

     If you haven't practiced this a lot, you're probably moving your thumbs.  You're probably squeezing your grip more tightly with each trigger press.  

     Isolating your trigger finger from the rest of your two hands and 9 fingers is difficult.  It's not instinctive.  It's not natural.  You have to train yourself to isolate the trigger finger.  It takes disciplined practice.  The juice is worth the squeeze.  

     Now you understand why you have been missing those shots.  Recognizing the problem is the first step toward solving the problem.  Start slow.  Isolate the trigger finger motion.  A tight grip before you start the exercise will help.  Push with the firing side hand.  Pull with the support side hand.  Trap the pistol in this vice.  Then touch the trigger.  Take the slack out of the trigger.  Smoothly press through the sear release.  Repeat until perfect.  Speed comes with practice, not by forcing yourself to go faster.  

  • Jon notes that "Glock Generation 5 pistols have engraved, not stamped, markings on the slide. 
    That means that if you impress a strong magnetic field through the slide and sprinkle
    iron filings on the slide you probably won't be able to see what was there before it
    was ground off." I think most every manufacturer now uses laser engraving because it is cheaper than stamping the traditional roll marks. Stamping the a number or other information compresses the steel, including the steel underneath the roll mark. This is why traditional methods of recovering serial numbers work--even if the number on the surface is removed, the impression remains in the compressed material immediately beneath the number. But what I believe Jon is referencing here is that because the laser engraving does not compress the steel, the engraved information should not, in theory, be recoverable by standard means. (That doesn't mean that there hasn't been some other change in the properties of the material surrounding or immediately below the engraving--you'll have to ask a metallurgist).
  • Jon offers up a couple brief analyses of the situations in Pakistan (involving terrorist attacks by Baluchistan separatists) and comments from Sandy Patterson regarding Ukraine.
 There is a lot more there, so be sure to check it out.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Review of the Sphere and Darren Aronofsky's "Postcard From Earth"

    I recently had the opportunity to view Darren Aronofsky's "Postcard From Earth," a movie shown at the Sphere in Las Vegas, and specifically intended to be shown at the Sphere. While the movie and experience was impressive from a technical stance, I found the "woke" environmental propaganda and anti-white racism quite off-putting. 

    If you don't know what is the Sphere, here is the link to the Wikipedia page. Essentially, it is large mostly spherical building (hence it's name) with LEDs all over the outside which can display video images or patterns on the outside surface of the structure. 

    Inside is a large stadium which has, according to Wikipedia, a "160,000-square-foot (15,000 m2) LED screen that wraps around the interior" of the dome and displays at 16K. It is advertised as having a 270 degree field of view, which must be the side-to-side field of view. The horizontal field of view seemed to me be in the range of 100 or 110 degrees from the bottom to past the apex of the dome. Back to Wikipedia (footnotes omitted):

 In describing the number of pixels on screen, media sources have reported figures ranging from 189 to 254 million diodes to 268,435,456 pixels. The screen consists of 64,000 LED panels, each controlled by a printed circuit board housed in an aluminum frame, with the panels manufactured in 780 different geometric shapes with an edge-to-edge tolerance of 0.8 millimetres (0.031 in). Due to its curved shape and the propensity for pixels to disappear near the poles, the screen uses an adaptive pixel pitch. It was also designed to be acoustically transparent, allowing sound from the speakers mounted behind the screen to pass through.

Needless to say, it is somewhat like being in a large Faraday cage inasmuch as there were absolutely no cell signals getting in or out. 

    Wikipedia indicates that it has seating for 18,600 people. The seating is very steep--certainly the steepest I've seen in an entertainment venue--which provides an unobstructed view for spectators, but if you were to trip going down the stairs to your seat, I don't think you would stop rolling until you hit the plexiglass barrier at the bottom of the steps. 

    I thought that the Sphere experience was, overall, underwhelming. The program is sold as consisting of two parts: 45 minutes to explore interactive exhibits, including a talking robot, on the ground level; followed by the 50 minute long "Postcard from Earth" film. Unfortunately, that 45 minutes for the interactive exhibits is the time from when the doors are first opened and the start of the film. By the time you get through the security checkpoint (including passing through metal detectors and having any bags searched), the time can be significantly cut back. If you want to buy water or some other refreshment, use the restroom, put an oversized bag in a locker (you can't bring in a bag larger than 6"x6"x2") or anything else, that also comes out of the 45 minutes. In addition, since I was near the middle of the line, by the time I got into the actual area with the interactive exhibits, there were such thick crowds of people around each that I decided to skip that portion and take the escalators up to the level where my seat was located, buy some water, and find my seat. 

    And once the "Postcard from Earth" is over, the interactive exhibits have been shut down and you will be rushed out the door. So the interactive exhibits were a total wash as far as I was concerned. 

    The actual "Postcard from Earth" film is, from a technical standpoint, very good. Lots of beautiful shots of landscapes and nature, flying over mountains and into canyons (invoking a feeling almost like being on a roller coaster after it crests a rise), and other great shots that, because of the detail and the semi-spherical screen, is very immersive. Adding to the immersive experience is that the seats rumble when there are loud noises, and there was the occasional gust of "wind" from hidden fans and scents released into the air. On top of that, the cinematography was impressive. My only criticism of the technical aspects--and this is probably just due to the nature of the projection--is that tall things, whether a giraffe, an elephant, a tree, or a tall building--very obviously curve the higher up in the dome it is projected, like viewing it through a fish eye lens. 

    Where the movie fails--and fails hard--is that the storyline, such as it is, is just environmental and racial propaganda. In fact, I would go so far as saying that it is, more accurately, proselytization of the woke religion. Which is probably apt given that Aronofsky also directed and co-wrote the script for the horrible 2014 film, Noah.

    The movie opens with a view of an alien solar system, zooming in on a bright streak that passes through the ring of a ringed planet and into its atmosphere; and which resolves into a starship of some sort that lands on the planet. Moving into the interior of the ship, there are two sleep pods (for lack of a better term) with a black man in one and what appears to be an Indian woman in the other. Suddenly the equipment and hoses covering the faces and bodies of both begins to withdraw, and you hear a man's voice addressing the woman, and a woman's voice addressing the man, telling each to wake up but not open their eyes. The voices tell the couple that they must first remember. 

    What they are supposed to remember is a hybrid between the evolution of life on earth and the Earth Goddess creating life. 

    First, they (and by extension, the audience) are reminded that life began in the oceans. We then are told of the beginning of primitive life accompanied by views of jellyfish; followed by scenes of other undersea life such as fishes and seaweed, as the narration tells us about how life wants to expand. 

    The movie then moves its attention to land, and presents truly stunning flyover shots of mountains and forests, deserts and canyons, fields and plains, vast caverns and waterfalls, and so on. At first these scenes are all without animals, but then the scenes shift to showing animals of various types while discussing how life wants to grow, choose, invent, love, etc. 

    Next it mentions the appearance of humans and we get to see scenes of black and brown people harvesting crops, celebrating, etc. We are told how humans expanded to everywhere, while we are shown various structures and buildings, including some precariously perched on the sides of cliffs. We are told that humans built to celebrate nature as the view shifts to the inside of a cathedral with a crucifix in the middle of the scene; that is, the cathedral was not to honor Christ or draw one's eyes heavenward, but to celebrate the earth, nature, and life.

    But then the narrators ominously warn that people went too far and we were blinded by our own creations and forgot nature as we finally see our first (and only) white people, in a baroque styled opera house watching a woman play a violin. 

    Following the appearance of the evil white people, we are presented a kaleidoscope of overcrowded urban scenes and slums, rock quarries and open pit mines, oil fields packed with wells, garbage and pollution--most of this from third world hellholes--while told how mankind was taking too much from and ruining the earth, ignoring prior cycles of civilizational collapse, until the earth had too much and sent its warnings--accompanied with scenes of storms and crashing waves, overgrown ruins, and other scenes of urban decay and abandoned buildings and sites. 

    There were just too many of us to live on earth, the narration continues, and so humans had to leave. At that point, the movie shifts from shots of actual locations, animals, and people, to CG rockets lifting off from earth and into a space scene showing numerous habitats orbiting the earth and covering the moon. 

    The narration explains that the earth slowly healed, but it was clear that people could not return to it except briefly and in few numbers. We then go back to scenes of nature with what looks like a Hispanic or Indian woman in a white outfit (apparently supposed to be futuristic looking) rock climbing, and a black man (also in a white outfit) standing on a mountain top overlooking other snow covered peaks. 

    Then the narration explains that humanity concluded it must settle other planets and so the movie switched back to the CG scenes of starships leaving into the void and, finally, back to the starship at the beginning of the film. 

    The couple are told they now remember and to open their eyes, and we discover that the narrators were the couple that were in hypersleep (or whatever) and that they are to create life on this new planet. Our black Adam ("Byron") and Indian Eve ("Fang") then leave the ship with a small fiery orb floating along with them and go out onto the surface. After more scenes of smiling at one another and reverently cupping soil in their hands, the glowing ball then sinks into the ground and we get something like the effect of the Genesis device from Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, as green life and water spreads like a wave across the surface of the planet in a matter of seconds. 

    In short, the movie is about "nature good" and "people good until white people screwed it up" but "people of color fixed everything" and will become new gods to create life on other planets. Yeah. 


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