Thursday, September 19, 2024

You Will Eat Bugs ... And It Will Make You Frisky?

Apparently grasshoppers are being touted as an aphrodisiac. "Eating grasshoppers has been found to boost sex drive, improve sleep quality, promote healthy hair and help with weight management," says the New York Post, before going into the standard lefty myths of global warming and overpopulation:

    As food supplies continuously face changes and uncertainties due to population growth and climate change, experts have increasingly promoted integrating insects into more cuisines.

    About a quarter of Americans are reportedly willing to ingest insect ingredients, and 18% would be willing to eat whole bugs.

    But that number could raise if libidos do. 

The proper response is--as it should be to all leftist "solutions"--"you first".

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Bombs & Bants Episode 143 (Streameed 9/18/2024)

 “You fool, Warren is DEAD!” Oh, sorry, wrong podcast. Door slams.  VIDEO: Bombs & Bants Episode 143 (53 min.)