Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Something To Keep In Mind When Forced To Use A Paper Straw

The Daily Mail reports on the top 10 countries responsible for plastic pollution. Notwithstanding what the liers on the Left say, not a single Western country is among the top 10. Rather, the top 10 are:

  1. India
  2. Nigeria
  3. Indonesia
  4. China
  5. Pakistan
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Russia
  8. Brazil
  9. Thailand
  10. Democratic Republic of Congo


  1. That pissed a lot of people on Twitter off in 2018 when I mentioned it.

    1. It used to be a truism in advertising that "sex sells" but it seems that "guilt sells" is even truer--at least among Westerners.


TSA Warns Of Rise In Passengers Trying To Carry "Cat's Eyes" Onto Planes

One of the consequences of the constant effort to disarm Americans so that they are helpless in the face of a terrorist or other violent cri...