Monday, October 9, 2023

Too Little, Too Late: Israel Loosens Rules, Expedites Gun Licenses

As The Truth About Guns reports, Israel's Minister for National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has announced that the Israeli government will be relaxing some rules for obtaining a firearm license. The process for obtaining license will be expedited so that if you have already satisfied all the other requirements for a license, the final interview can be conducted over the telephone and the time to thereafter issue a license will be cut to only one week. In addition, certain technical violations of the rules to renew a license or purchase a firearm will be waived. Finally, licensed civilians will be allowed to purchase 100 rounds of ammunition rather than 50. 


  1. Replies
    1. Like governments everywhere, the Israeli government apparently is more interested in control than protecting the lives of their people.


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