Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Listening to Cooler Heads: Tucker Talks To Ramaswamy

Tucker Talks to Ramaswamy about the events in Israel and America's interests versus what senior politicians and government officials are pushing for, which seems to be war with Iran. And let me just say that Nikki Haley is stupid--countries don't have friends, they have interests. If Israel is a "friend" to the U.S., then history has shown that it is one of those friends of which you say "with friends like these, who needs enemies." I also liked Ramaswamy quite bluntly noting that Haley stands to make a lot of money if the U.S. goes to war. And, actually, a lot of politicians have invested heavily in military contractors over the past year, so Congress critters in general stand to make significant money if a larger regional war breaks out in the Middle-East. 

The DC Shorts (26 min.)


The Future Of Self-Defense May Involve Defense Against Gangs/Mobs

There is a famous line from L.P. Hartley's "The Go Between" that goes like this: “The past is a foreign country; they do thing...