Monday, March 15, 2021

Trust But Verify

Vox Day linked to this piece at supposedly about one man's experience during the 1992 LA Riots, which was then picked up by others.  I use the word "supposedly" because the poster at states that it was "[o]riginally posted on in September 2004 by Texas Arcane," but it references the movie I Am Legend which was not released until December 2007.


  1. '...Richard Matheson's character in "I AM LEGEND,"' ... The movie The Omega Man was based on Richard Matheson's book "I Am Legend." It came out in 1971. The book came out in 1954. So - some credibility to the article. YMMV

    1. Here's my reasoning. The author wrote of his experience: "The sun was going down again and everybody on the block was vanishing into their homes on cue. I was starting to feel like Richard Matheson's character in 'I AM LEGEND,' trying to get back into my shelter with my preps before the sun went down before the vampires woke up." That was not a significant plot element in the book, as the character spent his days killing vampires in their sleep, becoming their bogeyman (thus the title of the story). The same goes with the first movie version, "The Last Man On Earth". It is closer to scenes from "Omega Man", but the author didn't use that title. On the other hand, scavenging and getting back to the character's house before sunset was a significant plot point of the 2007 movie. So the reference appeared to me to more closely match the 2007 movie than the book or the other two, differently named movies.

  2. The most compelling line from the entire essay is this: The average person just has no idea of what a thin veneer civilization is until it cracks underfoot." I'm almost certain that anybody that has lived during the past 5 years has at least some idea of the fragility of our daily world.

    1. I agree as to the realists. I can't imagine that liberals do so--they seem to think that no matter what they do, how much they tear down, civilization will always be there. That's why they don't understand why it was so destructive to have had the Covid lockdowns.


Political Violence Up

Violence is inherent in leftist politics, as exemplified by Communists being the most prolific mass murderers in human history. It has to do...