Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Dividing The Wheat From The Tares

In "Time for a Purge of the Church" at Men of the West, the author suggests that we need to separate ourselves from the tares that have grown up within the church. He begins:

    As I sit here writing this, the House of Representatives is debating the Equality Act [ed: it has since passed the House and is before the Senate]. An act that would attempt to force the faithful to recognize gay marriages and teach modern gender nonsense in private Christian/Church schools. And it will be passed by people who profess themselves to be Christians. And we (rightly) are hard on the Catholics among us because the Roman Church adamantly refuses to engage in any sort of censure against politicians that do this. Nancy Pelosi, for instance, professes to be a devout, practicing Catholic, yet puts forward legislation that would require her church to defy millennia of Church tradition and the Scripture. Pelosi should have been excommunicated ages ago simply for her support for abortion. The same for former Vice President Biden (who did not win).

    Likewise, we turn to the Southern Baptist Convention, where JD Greear blathers on about Critical Race Theory. There is no place in the Christian Church for Critical Race Theory. It is a lie and completely incompatible with the truth. The SBC has been embroiled in a seemingly endless number of debates between the faithful and social justice warriors. And it has hindered the actual gospel.

After discussing some of the relevant scripture, the author continues:

    These people are not Christians. They are not of us. And they should be shunned until they repent of their false teachings. The Church is going to be persecuted. As Jesus said, they hated Him, and they’ll hate us too. If the world didn’t hate us, we’d have to wonder what we were doing wrong.

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ says that we can be forgiven our sins through the process of repentance and acknowledging Jesus as LORD. Critical Race Theory says that wrongs committed by your ancestors can never be forgiven and are a blight on you for eternity. These are not compatible. They both can’t be true.

    It’s time for the Church to give an ultimatum. Abandon leftist theory and dedicate yourselves to the Gospel of Christ or leave the Church until you are prepared to do so. These false teachers are hindering the work of the Church and we no longer have the time or energy to focus on them. It’s time to move on. The debate is over. There will be no more discussion. We will not be converting to Critical Race Theory. And it’s time to start the process of excommunication for those who refuse to take their place in the body and abandon the false teachings of the world.

    When we look at the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matt. 13: 24-30 and D&C 86:1-7) we see that the tares--evil doctrines and those that spread them of whatever faith--will be separated from Christ's own, and they (the tares) will be destroyed. While the parable paints the separation as performed by angels (the reapers), I believe from our perspective it will appear as something spontaneous where those holding to the false doctrines spread by the whore of Babylon will not be able to bear being in the presence of those holding to the true faith. 

    We've had a preview of this already as we've seen people break long time friendships because of different political stances and/or views toward gay marriage. It is almost always the "open minded" liberal that initiates the division. We also see this in the drama in many of the congregations around the world. 

    Why congregations haven't yet fully split asunder, in my opinion, is that there is a fear of offending the leftists. Just like Christ, we need to let go of our fear of offending people with the truth. This doesn't mean that we intentionally seek to offend them; but if they attempt to draw us into debate, we can signal that there is no debate, there is no possible compromise. Thus they will leave not because they have been forced out, but because their nature has become so contrary to that of the faithful that it will literally cause them mental and emotional pain to be around the faithful. 

  • Related:  "Extrication time"--Vox Popoli. Quoting from an article by Sarah Hoyt:
The next American Civil War will be fought in a lot of places, in sudden flare ups and unexpected bursts of rage. But where most casualties will occur is in the home. America’s civil war will be fought many places, but mostly in living rooms: siblings against each other, parents against children, children against parents, husband against wife, wife against husband.

Vox adds:

Don't ever hesitate to cut the wicked, the retards, and the crazies out of your life. Jesus literally told his 12 disciples not to waste their breath on people who were determined not to accept the truth, so why should you feel any need to do so?


  1. The tactic that churches are using is to make it easier and more friendly. People don't want easy - they can just go home and watch the Simpsons if they want easy.

    1. Correct. If anything goes, why bother with redemption.


Political Violence Up

Violence is inherent in leftist politics, as exemplified by Communists being the most prolific mass murderers in human history. It has to do...