Thursday, March 4, 2021

VIDEO: Testing A 1991 Manufacture MRE


My friend went into his storage pantry and tried an old (1991) MRE to see if it is still edible. He hasn't died, so I guess it was still mostly good. Anyway, you might just follow the link because he has more information in the video description.


  1. For a moment I thought this was the popular MRE Youtuber Steve1989MREInfo who has almost 2 million subs. The video format is very similarto his. The thing I always like to point out regarding MRE unboxing and testing videos is that I've never actually seen the reviewer stick the stuff in their mouth and swallow it. The eating is only implied. The POV format doesn't prove they actually ate the stuff LOL.


Political Violence Up

Violence is inherent in leftist politics, as exemplified by Communists being the most prolific mass murderers in human history. It has to do...