Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

A video tutorial on making a recurve bow from PVC. See also Part 2 and Part 3.

       On a .223 Remington spec rifle, the leade will be 0.085”.  This is the standard described by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc. (SAAMI).  The leade in a 5.56 NATO spec rifle is 0.162”, or almost double the leade of the .223 rifle.
           A shorter leade in a SAAMI spec rifle creates a situation where the bullet in a 5.56 NATO round, when chambered, can contact the rifling prior to being fired.  By having contact with the rifling prematurely (at the moment of firing), chamber pressure can be dramatically increased, creating the danger of a ruptured case or other cartridge/gun failure.
    The opposite situation--a .223 in a 5.56 mm chambered barrel--creates no problem, other than a potential loss of accuracy, because you will have extra leade. I have seen this in action once, and, mind you, this was before there was an widespread understanding of the problem--manufacturers weren't even careful in their labeling of the two. I was with a friend who wanted to demonstrate why his AR was superior to the Mini-14 I owned at the time. He started shooting, and with almost every round, a primer would pop out of round just fired and fall into the action, jamming the trigger. Of course, the Mini-14 had no problem with digesting the same ammunition. I had great fun rubbing this in his face. Looking back, of course, the problem was not his rifle, per se, but that he was shooting 5.56 in a .223 weapon.
    • The New Rifleman has updated his article, "The Data Driven AR15: Or Why the Best AR15’s are Data Driven" to reflect the MLOK versus K-Mod testing results that were publicized recently.
    • "Blast from the Past: Popular Police Speedloaders of the 1970s"--Revolver Guy. Some good gun history for all of you. Although speedloaders (including the speed strip) of various types had been adopted by competition shooters, in 1970, very few police used them--in fact, some departments specifically disallowed them. This started to change after the April 6, 1970, "Newhall Shooting" that left two California Highway Patrol officers dead in the wake of a gunfight. One of the officers, James E. Pence, Jr., was shot in the head just as he was closing the cylinder on his revolver after making a reload with cartridges from his dump pouch. The article goes on to document the change in police doctrine to allow for or, in many cases, require that officers use speed loaders, as well as a history of the development of speed loaders in the ensuing decade. Although several designs fell by the wayside, one design from 1973, the HKS "Six Second" speed loader is still with us, and, according to the article, still the most popular speed loader on the market.
    • Related: "Twosies and Threesies, a Speedloader Comparison"--Priority Performance. A comparison between the Safariland Comp II and Comp III speedloaders. In not so many words, the Comp II is better for concealed carry because it is less likely to get hung up when trying to insert the cartridges into the cylinder. 

    Other Stuff:
    With the goal of creating a “safe space” in mind, a Detroit school has set out to hold a girls-only prom to celebrate traditional Muslim customs. It’s being created for girls who would otherwise be prohibited by their ultraconservative Muslim families from going to regular proms, where attendees are allowed to have fun and dance with members of the opposite sex in good old American tradition.
    What's the point? If they are good Muslims, they shouldn't be listening to music or dancing, let alone having fun. And if they aren't good Muslims, they can just go to the regular prom. 
    • "J.C. Penney spirals down as retail's dismal week continues"--CBS. I can't remember the last time that I shopped at a J.C. Penney; mostly it is because I hate going to a large shopping mall, but it is also because tracking down a sales clerk in order to make a purchase is difficult, at best. Anyway, the article indicates that Macy's, Nordstrom and Kohl's also reported declining same-store sales numbers. 
    • Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad: Police in Seattle no longer allowed to use the term "suspect," but must instead use "community member." 
    • This is important--read it: "Men's Depression is Different"--Dr. Helen at PJ Media. Most of you are aware of the recent suicide of Bob Owens, one of the editors of Bearing Arms. Using that incident as a springboard, the author discusses some of the important ways that male depression can differ, especially in its symptoms. "It isn't a feeling of sadness. You're irritable, irascible, short-tempered. Often, you feel unusually tired, often achy -- it feels like you have a bit of a cold, or maybe the flu. You're not hungry, or you're hungry but nothing tastes good, nothing is appealing." It may also be marked by sleeplessness. The author notes that men are 4-5 times as likely to take their own life than women. 

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