Friday, May 5, 2017

May 5, 2017 -- A Quick Run Around the Web

Source: Home Defense Gun

  • TGIF: The latest Weekend Knowledge Dump from Active Response Training. Some of the articles to which Mr. Ellifritz links have to do with when using a rifle for self defense is appropriate, an amateurs guide to carrying a firearm, and home repair supplies to store for emergencies or natural disasters.
  • "Married father-of-five, 45, is killed by a stranger after sucker-punch to the face on the street while in Las Vegas for his brother's bachelor party"--Daily Mail. From the article:
    •        The pair were standing quietly next to a wall when two strangers walked up to Campos, according to Garibay, and the taller of the pair confronted the father-of-five, telling him something to the effect of, 'What are you looking at?’ ' 
             Garibay, 30, said a second later, the man sucker-punched his brother in the face, causing him to collapse unconscious to the ground amidst a dense crowd of revelers.
      The suspects are Hispanic males. "What are you looking at?" is an almost universal sign of someone wanting to pick a fight. If you don't want a fight, the recommended method to de-escalate the situation is to apologize and blame it on being tired, didn't realize you were staring, etc. But as soon as you hear that phrase, you should prepare yourself to being attacked.
    • "Trapping Food When You’re On The Go"--Mason Dixon Tactical. Although the author recommends snares if you are travelling lite, there are downsides. So, for those that using a pack, he recommends having at least four 10 Conibears body hold traps and a bottle of lure. The author also explains:
    One of the most important things about trapping is the need to actually get out and do it. Watching a youtube video to learn the theory and basic techniques is great, but it’s only about a third (I’m being very generous) of the “successful trapping” equation. A good place for the novice to start is Dave Canterbury’s “Modern Trapping Series“. Below is one of Canterbury’s videos on prepping and use of the 110 Conibear trap, and here is another.
    • "The Short-Barreled Rifle"--Guns Magazine.  Thoughts on turning the Rossi .38/.357 Ranch Hand into a short-barreled rifle (SBR) by adding a stock (or course, you should get ATF approval before purchasing the new stock). Apparently such conversions are popular in Canada (where no government permission is required) as a handy backpacking/woods rifle. 
    • "The Best AR-15 Bolt Carrier Groups: What They Really Cost"--Abe's Gun Cave. The author lists some of the things he looks for in a quality BCG, and then offers a few suggestions on particular brands/models that meet these requirements.
    • "Walk About Camouflage Comparison Paradox…"--Defensive Training Group. The author compares Multicam, U.S. Woodland, and  80’s vintage Flecktarn in two different settings: coniferous forest (with leaves) and among bare wood saplings. The Flecktarn wasn't very good under either setting. The Woodland seemed to the author to be best among the bare saplings, while the Mulitcam was best where there were leaves. I would note that most of these tests are static (i.e., the person wearing the camouflage is not moving), and what might be extremely effective while in a static position may be less effective when moving.  Unfortunately, most tests on the topic don't delve into the effectiveness of camouflage when moving.
            Years ago, now, I was watching a video from the series Monster Hunters where the animal expert and witness (who was leading the expert and film crew to the site of his supposed encounter) were both wearing camouflage, but of two different patterns. The expert was wearing one of the photo-realistic patterns (I believe the Realtree AP or something similar), while the witness was using the U.S. Woodland. The area was eastern woodland (mid-Atlantic region, I believe) with lots of foliage and underbrush. Standing still, the AP camo seemed to work better than the Woodland. But as the two moved off into the brush, the Woodland seemed to break up the pattern better than the AP. Part of the problem was that the AP style used lighter colors that attracted the eye with movement.
    • "What’s The Place of Home Defense Bow In The World of Guns?"--Home Defense Gun. Some of the values of a bow are its quieter, less expensive (in theory), reusable "ammo", safer, and subject to very few, if any, laws regarding purchase or possession. The author also discusses downsides. However, one issue that needs to be addressed is that of speed. You need to be able to quickly nock and loose one or more follow up shots to your first one if you are using this for self defense (or transition to a bladed weapon). Lars Anderson has shown some techniques that he has developed by reference to older sources which suggest that you may need to be able to launch arrows from either side of your bow, and may need to use a different release method than is typical for either modern hunting or target archery. 
           I know that there have been criticisms of Lars Anderson, but after reading/viewing them, they generally come down to issues of semantics or the curious claim that historical drawings of archers cannot be treated as accurate (although, historians and reinactors like HEMA have traditionally relied on such drawings). There are also complaints that he relies on "trick shots" because he is only shooting at close up targets, albeit at speed. But that is the whole point: how the bow is used at short ranges in combat. Just as a rifle is used differently in CQB than at long range.
           In any event, it is topic that needs to be explored further if for no other reason than the needs of preppers living in areas that are not gun friendly.
      The most common faults observed were:
        1.  Excessive oil on the weapon
          2.  Carbon buildup in the chamber, bolt, and bolt carrier group
            3.  Overloading of magazines with 21 rounds of ammunition
              4.  Oil and grit inside magazines (frequently accompanied by lubricated ammunition); and
                5.  Failure to replace worn or broken extractors and extractor springs.
                         Other deficiencies noted frequently were shortages of technical manuals, cleaning equipment, and repair parts, and a general lack of knowledge of the M16 rifle among officers and noncommissioned officers.
                  • "How to deal with an aggressive dog"--Protegor. This isn't about dealing with an attack dog or guard dog, but a dog you might encounter while taking a walk or bicycling. As an initial matter, the article lists some "body language" to look for in a dog to determine whether it is truly being aggressive or just curious or attempting to establish dominance. If the dog is going to be aggressive, the author recommends the following:
                  • Back gently without [doing anything that would cause the] precipitation [of an attack]
                  • Do not look the dog in the eyes as it would take this as a threat 
                  • Speak softly with reassuring words 
                  • Lowering  [your body, such as bending the knees or at the waist] will detract the dog's emotion [Ed note: the interesting part is that if you drop into a decently deep fighting stance, it will calm the dog while putting you into a better position should the dog attempt an actual attack; you do not want to get knocked off your feet]
                  • The trick of having some croquettes [e.g. crackers or some other snack] on you and giving it without throwing them (any abrupt gesture is prohibited!) Works 
                  • If he calms down and shows you no aggressiveness, always sit by talking to him gently and let him feel it will calm him, he will find that you have no antipathy towards him. You will be able to leave slowly but watching him discreetly (not in the eyes) and get out of his space. You made yourself a new friend ...
                  • Lesson One: Criminals often use a ruse to get close to their victim.
                  • Lesson Two: Most criminals will get close to you and put the weapon right next to you or in your face. 
                  • Lesson Three: Very few criminals know how to properly use a gun.
                  • Lesson Four: Criminals are often stupid. (Although, just because they are stupid doesn't mean they aren't dangerous).

                  Other Stuff:
                           Cops are turning away from proactive policing after high-profile shootings of unarmed black men led to a wave of anti-police sentiment, the FBI has reported.
                             The bureau, which looked at the slayings of officers in 50 incidents last year, said cops are now 'scared', 'demoralized' and frightened to do their duty because they worry about being filmed by witnesses.
                               That has led to suspects becoming more likely to fight back, putting the cops' lives at risk, the report - obtained by The Washington Times - claimed. 
                          Vox Day notes that this shouldn't be an issue to most people since police "are neither there to stop crime nor protect you." As Glenn Reynolds like to point out, the police exist to protect the criminals from the public, not vice versa. Thus, the criminals should be the one's concerned; reduced efforts by the police are simply going to result in a greater application of street justice by the public.
                          • "Minor Changes Coming to Evopsych"--Anonymous Conservative. A third edition of The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics will soon be hitting shelves (or, at least, Amazon). AC has noted that there will be a new cover and some additions to a few sections. If you haven't yet read it, you should.
                          • Cultural enrichment: "'Radicalised' ex-soldier with ISIS flag in his car is arrested at a Paris military base as guns and ammunition are found hidden nearby just two days before the French election"--Daily Mail
                          • And more cultural enrichment: "ISIS to Jihadists: Use Fake Apartment, Job, Craigslist Ads to Lure Hostage, Murder Victims"--PJ Media. The Clarion Project maintains a database of ISIS publications if you want to examine the source documents.
                          • "Radiation Detectors Now Look As Sleek As Your Smartphone"--Popular Mechanics. The Dosime is a $200 radiation detector that the author describes as looking "more like an Apple Magic Mouse than arcane technical equipment." The device is intended to act as sensor, with information displayed on a smart phone or tablet. The main thing is the price and size--it can literally be carried in your pocket.
                          • "Youth Are Turning Away from God: Churches Peddling ‘Christianity Lite’ Share In the Blame"--CNS News. Ah, the Millennials again: one of the least religious of all groups. Their excuse? "Just over 60 percent of millennials say that Christianity is 'judgmental,' and 64 percent say that 'anti-gay' best describes most churches today." The author cites some of the primary factors that are used to describe the lack of Christianity, but then goes on to suggest that churches that are trying too hard to be inclusive are partly to blame. He writes: "Most churches are so occupied with 'marketing' themselves to prospective attendees that they wouldn’t dream of risking their 'brand' by speaking tough-as-nails truth." They also, thereby, risk the attendance and membership of those who are devout. 
                          • "Another case of Duluth working as designed."--Dalrock. You may remember from other posts that the Duluth model is a "theory" of dealing with domestic violence that pins the blame on the man in the relationship. In this particular instance, the wife, who was drunk, became angry and belligerent after her husband failed to notice her haircut. He retreated to a bedroom and locked himself in it. Neighbors, hearing the wife's screaming and yelling, called the police. The wife wouldn't let the police in, so they had to force themselves in, at which time they bypassed the wife in order to break down the door to the bedroom and beat the crap out of the husband. This is another example of why those who counsel men on domestic violence say never call the police, and get away from the residence as fast as possible.

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                          Weekend Reading

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