Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Scrubba Portable Washing "Machine"

It is a bag with a flexible cleaning board that allows you to clean clothes without a machine while camping, traveling, etc.
‘The Scrubba wash bag works using the same principles as the old fashion washboard, but with the advantage that you don't have to get your hands wet. 
‘As clothes are rubbed along the washboard, the bumps create friction and water movement though the clothes, which assists in dislodging oils and dirt from the clothes.
‘The Scrubba wash bag weighs only 180g and folds to pocket-size, meaning it is suitable even for the lightest traveler, and the recommended capacity is around 5L.
‘You can easily wash up to three days of summer wear in one load such as three T-shirts, three pairs of socks and three pairs of pants in five to six minutes.’

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