Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Small Things Count

Over the last few weeks, I've had the opportunity to see just how much small or seemingly insignificant things count toward preparations.

My wife has been busy with canning and dehydrating fruits this past couple weeks. Yesterday, she cut her thumb badly when using an apple slicer. Of course, using regular gauze or bandages over the end of a finger or toe never seems to hold very well. But a quick trip to Walgreens solved the issue, where they sell packages of tubular gauze and finger cots (basically, these fit over the finger like a small prophylactic to keep the gauze clean and dry).

Also, working on different projects the last few weeks, I have to emphasize the importance of having one or two nail brushes for cleaning dirt and grime from under your nails. As I've written before, and is emphasized in several emergency prep books (such as Cody Lundin's When All Hell Breaks Loose) proper hygiene is critical in a natural disaster or survival situation. And, when you have been involved in gardening, digging, or working with grease and oils, a finger brush is a critical piece of equipment for proper washing of hands and nails.

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