Sunday, September 22, 2013

"I am not leaving."

The Daily Mail reports:
White supremacists are gathering today in Leith, North Dakota, the tiny town that a neo-Nazi leader hopes to turn into a white-only haven for racism.  
But Leith's only black resident is defiant and say's he's staying put.  
The other residents of the dwindling town of 24 people are planning a counter-protest to oppose the meeting of white supremacists. Leaders from across the state are joining forces in an effort to show the hate groups that they aren't welcome.  
'We are deeply disturbed that one of the residents of our small community has invited hate groups to our town and to the state of North Dakota. One of these hate groups, the National Socialist Movement, is planning to hold a meeting in our city hall on Sunday afternoon, and raise neo Nazi flags on property around our town,' the town of Leith said in a statement.
There are successful methods to deal with this problem, although it may require exercising the Second Amendment.

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