Friday, September 20, 2013

Hezbollah Obtains Assad's Chemical Weapons

The terror group Hezbollah has assumed control of at least a portion of Syria’s chemical weapons cache, according to a Syrian military commander, multiple lawmakers, and rebel leaders. 
A portion of Syrian President Bashar al Assad regime’s chemical weapons supply has fallen into the hands of Hezbollah, which has been fighting on Assad’s behalf, according to these multiple sources. 
The latest confirmation that Hezbollah, which was founded by Iran and receives funding and support from the regime, had gotten ahold of these deadly weapons came earlier this week when a former Syrian army commander claimed that certain chemical weapons shipments had been delivered to Hezbollah. 
“Some of the chemical weapons shipments are already with Hezbollah,” Brig. Gen. Zaher Saket, a defector who was formerly in charge of a unit equipped for chemical warfare, said to The National Online, an Abu Dhabi-based news agency. 
Saket claims that he was ordered on at least three occasions to deploy chemical weapons until he defected and went public with the regime’s crimes. 
It remains unclear what exactly Hezbollah would do with chemical weapons.
Probably use them. Duh.

1 comment:

  1. It is reports like this that reinforce my belief that Islam is a blight upon the planet. It cannot be moderated. It cannot be reformed. There is no cure.

    Nobody has yet been able to articulate a way to distinguish the "moderate" Muslims from the "radical" Muslims, except perhaps that moderate Muslims are those who claim to be Muslim but don't practice their faith. To further muddy any distinction, from a large volume of news reports I have read, it appears that moderate Muslims enable the radicals by turning a blind eye to the actions of the radicals in their midst. The handful of Muslims who have spoken up have been ostracized or silenced by their "moderate" coreligionists.


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