Friday, September 13, 2013

1913--A Year to Live in Infamy

For all the problems America had prior to 1913 (including the unnecessary and horrifying Civil War), nothing spelled the death of the nation like the horrors of 1913.
Here are the key dates:
February 3rd: 
The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified, authorizing the Federal government to impose income taxes on individuals. ...
As a result, the Revenue Act of 1913 was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson in October. Income taxes began in 1914...
And, by the way, the amendment was introduced by Senator Aldrich of Rhode Island, to whom we’ll come again shortly. 
April 8th: 
The 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified, taking the powers of the states and transferring them to Washington, by mandating the popular election of senators. 
Previously, senators were appointed by state legislatures, restraining the power of the national government. This change gave political parties immediate and massive power, nearly all of which was consolidated in the city of Washington. ...
December 23rd: 
Woodrow Wilson signs the Federal Reserve Act, which had passed Congress just the previous day. This system – called the Aldrich Plan, and promoted by Senator Nelson Aldrich of Rhode Island – gave a monopoly on the creation of dollars to a consortium of large banks. ...
Here is why I say that these three changes of 1913 killed America: 
They robbed every producer in America of their money and handed it to politicians. ...
They consolidated all power in Washington DC. ...
They created a money empire that took over almost everything. ...
 Read the whole thing.

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