Friday, September 13, 2013

Reaction to Colorado Flood

Drudge had a link to this Denver Post article concerning the recent flash flood near Boulder, Colorado. I'm more interested in one of the comments. In response to a comment that such a flood may represent a judgment by God because of the moral (or rather, immoral) stances taken by the City of Boulder, someone responded:
Please take your leaping and prancing and tongues and serpent handing elsewhere while good and decent and non-judgemental [sic] folks step up and do the hard worked needed to help their fellow human beings. Your god is vengeful and willing to kill innocents to "make a point" about why we need to kneel and fear him/her.
Well, there is no evidence that the person who made the original comment wasn't stepping up to help--and statistically, conservatives are more likely to contribute to charities, and contribute more, than liberals. But I regress. The point I want to make is that God has often used disasters and wars to encourage people to repent. But, in the last days, many will harden their hearts. I don't know if the flood in Boulder was punishment from God, but the attitude above--that people should not be subject to moral constraints, and it is an immoral God that punishes people--is prevalent and will be so even when the serious disasters preceding the Second Coming begin.  

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