Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Ragnorok Part XVII: The End Of The New World Order

We've head a lot over the past 30 or more years about the establishment of a "New World Order" which seems to be in reference to a world dominated by globalist multi-billionaires and their leftist pawns in order to bring about some new "utopian" hell. But the project may be falling apart. The Daily Mail reports "'WW3 HAS begun': No atomic mushroom clouds. No nightmare 'day after' scenario to survive. But military experts explain why they believe the third world war has already started." An excerpt:

    National security expert Mark Toth and former US intelligence officer Col. Jonathan Sweet are among those arguing that World War III is already upon us.

    'This third global conflagration doesn't look or feel like what Hollywood envisioned,' they claim.

    'No mushroom clouds or apocalyptic wastelands. Rather, it is war by a thousand cuts, conducted across multi-regional and multi-domain battlefields.

    Here, MailOnline speaks to Sweet and Toth along with military chiefs, former presidents and geopolitical experts to assess whether we are really entering a new period of global attrition.

    Unfortunately, the signs are ominous. 

The signs addressed in the article are:

  • Hybrid warfare and covert operations with a focus on Russia's maneuvers against Europe and in Africa, including arson attacks against logistical hubs in Europe and disinformation campaigns.
  • "Kinetic" conflicts and physical warfare, such as the war in Ukraine and China's threats to invade Taiwan (but to which I would add conflicts in Syria and Africa).
  • The revival of great power competitions and ideological struggles between "our democracy" and Eastern authoritarianism.


  1. Things can spiral very, very quickly. My take is the danger point is February.

    1. Why February? Just because of the inauguration?

    2. Coldest weather. Lose electricity during an East Coast blizzard?


Gun & Prepping News #12

  Just some articles that caught my attention for one reason or another:   Jon Low has posted a new Defensive Pistolcraft newsletter . As al...