Monday, December 9, 2024

Maybe They Can't Learn

The Daily Mail reports that Andrew Witty, the CEO of UnitedHealth Group (the parent company of UnitedHealthcare) "touted Thompson as dedicated to the role of the company and shared how proud he was of 'what this company does on behalf of people in need across the country.'" 

    Witty reassured staff members in his video, which was leaked to independent journalist Ken Klippenstein, that the insurer would continue to do as it has always done.

    He said UnitedHealthcare - the largest health insurance company in the US - would keep putting 'patients, consumers and members' first in the company's 'journey to help everyone who needs it within the health environment.'

    Witty argued that the insurance company's 'mission... is truly to make sure that we help the system improve by helping the experiences of individuals get better and better.'

Remember that UnitedHealthcare denied over 1/3 of its claims, or twice the rate of the industry average. That is apparently how it puts its members first.

    It is notable that Witty truly is among the elite, moving around between private industry, government positions, and positions with NGOs. He also assisted the WHO in the development of a Covid vaxx and was appointed to expert advisory group for the UK's Vaccine Task Force. He is also one of three UnitedHealth executives (including Thompson) that have been sued for insider trading.


  1. Replies
    1. He just wanted to make sure that his employees wouldn't start accepting more claims.


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